Pax (Mark and Jack)

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I've never been to Pax before. Sorry if it's bad or I get some stuff wrong


You, Mark, and Jack were standing in
the back waiting for your panel to start. "I'm so exited!" You say. "Oh! that's right this is your first panel" Mark says. "Were almost on" Jack says. "Mark your gonna be introducing us" Mark nods. The panel starts and Mark walks out onto the stage and everyone screams and cheers. "Hello everybody!" He says. More cheering can be heard from the crowd. "Now...who do you want to come out first!?" The crowd cheer for Jack. "You want Jack!? Well to bad! We're gonna have another you tuber come on out first. She's a personal friend of mine, has been for a long time, welcome (your YouTube name)!!" You walk out on stage. The crowd cheers. "Hi!" Mark wraps his arm around your shoulder. "This us Y/n. She's been a good friend of mine ever since I moved to LA! She's 26." He tells everone. "I don't think they wanna know my age" "to bad" he smiles. "And then there's the other guy. Jack get out here" Jack walks out on stage. People start to cheer again. "Yes I know I'm very handsome. More handsome than Mark" the crowd cheers and laughs. "No one ever said you were handsome" you tell him. "Shut up!" He wines.


You were all doing a Q and A. "Y/n when did you start YouTube?" Mark reads the question. "I started a year after Mark did." You say. The crowd cheers. "I currently have 17 million subscribers and I almost have 18 million" the crowed 'oohhs' and cheers. "She's catching up to you Marky" Jack looks at Mark and winks. "Don't you wink and me you Irish bitch!" They start calling eachother names. "Can we get back to the questions?" You fold your arms and sit back on the couch. Mark and Jack nod. "Y/n do you like Mark or Jack and if you could cuddle with one of them who would it be?" Jack reads. "Well first off I don't like either of them like that" Mark wines. "I thought we had a connection" the crowd laughs. "Not that kind of connection. If you were gonna have a connection with anyone in this room it would be Jack." Mark and Jack look at you. "Don't even go there!" Jack says. " late! Septiplier away!!" The crowd cheers and screems Septiplier. "Nnoooooo!!!" Mark wines. "C'mon Markimoo you know you can resist this" Jack points to him self. "I'll pass and you still need to answer the second question" Mark says. "I'll would snuggle with Mark. His hair is so fluffy!" Mark smirks. "I can tell you secretly like me!" You roll your eyes. "I would rather date Ethan" the crowd cheers and shout '(Y/n)gameplays'. Jack says, "now stop shipping Septiplier just ship them!" "No! Ship Septiplier more! Me and Ethan want you to!" Out of the whole crowd cheering you can here Ethan say. "Me and Y/n are a thing now!!!" You three erupt with laughter. "I guess I have a boyfriend now!" You shrug. "Now Mark and Jack just need to become a thing!"

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