Antisepticeye x Neko!Reader

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This is the final part


"Let's go get the door" Anti says. I nod my head up and down. I get from his lap and start walking to the door. Anti wraps an arm around my waist and kisses my temple. "It's ok." I tell him. He nods and we both walk to the door. He opens the door. There stood Darkiplier. He was taller than me and Anti. His hair was red and slicked back. Your not gonna lie he did look good but it was nothing compared to your Anti. "Hey Anti. Long time no see." He says. "Yeah. Well come on in" we both step out of the way so Dark can come in. He turns and looks at me. "And you must be Y/n." He takes my hand and kisses the top of it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Dark" I yell him. "The pleasures all mine~" he purrs. We all walk into the living room. I sit down and Dark and Anti sit on both sides of me. Anti wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer. I nuzzle his neck and he's smiles. I look over at Dark and see him glaring at Anti. Wow they really did hate eachother. I gotta do something to Stop this. "Do you guys wanna watch a movie?"  I ask. Anti looks at me. "That's a great idea Kitten." He kisses my cheek. "Yeah sure" Dark says.


We all decided on a horror movie. I really didn't wanna watch it but if Anti did you were fine with it.

During the movie

A fake ass lame jumpscare came on and I yelped and buried my face in his chest. He chuckled and scratched behind my ear. I keep in my purr cause I don't want Dark to here it. "Hey Kitten, could you get me something to drink?" I nod my head up and down. I get up and walk to the kitchen. As I walk past Dark you could of sworn he was looking at my ass. I few minutes later I came back with a pop/soda and sat down by him. "Thanks kitten" he kisses my cheek and I smile.

Time skip

Anti had it leave cause one of Jacks other egos needed his help. So it was just you and Dark. He kept glancing at you with a seductive smirk on his face. You didn't notice but Dark leaned over and started to scratch behind your ear. You let out a soft purr. He chuckles. "I don't understand how you find Anti attractive" he says. "Didn't you find him attractive?" You as him. "It was only for the sex. He was damn good at it." You role your eyes. "You had to see more on him than just sex, right?" "Nope" he says. "But..." he leans over and pins you to the couch. "I see something more in you" He leans in and kisses you. Your eyes widen. You kick him and the dick and push him off you. He falls on the floor with his hands in between his legs. You get up and bend down to his level. You grab his ear and yank him up. "If you ever come near me or Anti again I swear to god I will rip your dick off and make you suck it!" You yell. And with that he turned into a smoke cloud and was gone.

Time skip

You were sitting in the couch when Anti came home. He walkwd into the living room and looked around. "Where did Dark go?" He sits down by you. "He kissed me and then I threatened to rip his dick off and make him suck it" you smirk. Anti looks at you. He hugs you. "That's my girl!" He kisses your cheek. "Ya missed" you tell him. He roles his eyes and kisses you on the lips. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist.


The end. I wanted it to be longer but I think it's good.

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