Dating Jackieboy man headcannons

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• Many cuddles

• Him holding you as you as he flys around the city at night as the stars shine bright

• You two sitting at the top of a tall building looking at the stars

• "They stars are really pretty tonight"

• He looks at you, dreamingly

• "Yeah...they are"

• Teaching Anti a lesson when he messes with your self conscious boyfriend

• Robbie normally goes to you when he needs cuddles

• Poor boi get touch starved and just loves cuddled in general

• Jackie will cuddles with both of you

• Jackie is holding you from behind while Robbie is laying his head on your stomach

• Being by Jackie when he gets his flu shot (or any shot in general)

• Super boi hates them

• You hold his hand and tell him to looks and focus on you

• You like to listen to music together

• He likes Rock and roll

• You like Nsp and Starbomb (please tell me at least one of you people know those bands)

• When you get sick he's right by you waiting on you hand and foot

• Need medicine

• He already has some

• More pillows?

• Consider it done

• Want cuddles but don't want Jackie to get sick?

• Robbie will be right there you just gotta give Jackie many cuddles when you get better to make up for it

• On some dates you two will just sit out side and lay on eachother while reading comic books

• He loves spider-man

• You'll read anything

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