Peanut Butter (King of the Squirrels)

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You were walking back to your house after work. It was winter so you had a thick jacket on. That wasn't enough. You might have frost bite by now. You were almost home when your vision started to get blury until it went black. Then, you fainted


You woke up later in a bed. You sat up and looked out the window. All you saw was trees and different parts of a tree house. You guess your in a tree house. You get up and look around. It was quiet nice. You here foot steps. You look over at the door. A man with...peanut butter? On his face walks in. "Oh good! Your awake" he says and walks to you. He sits down at the edge of the bed and looks at you. You bring your knees to your stomach. "Oh were arm my manners, I'm King of The Squirrels!" You holds out his hand for you to shake it. You hesitantly shake his hand. "I'm Y/n" you say. "Why am I here?" You asked him. "My squirrels brought you here! They knew you liked them so they brought you to me!" He says. "I do like squirrels" you admit. You look out the window. "Were are we?" There was zero snow out side. "In LA" he tells you. "All the way from Cincinnati!? How long have I been out?" "Not that long" he says. "How'd we get here so fast?" "I have my ways" he smirks. You giggle. You stomach rumbles. "Are you hungry?" You nod your head. "I'll go get you some food!" He says and gets up. "Is that peanut butter?!" You shouted at him. "Yes!!" He shouts back. You giggle. This won't be so bad.


I wrote the first part of this during 6th hour at School

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