Dr.iplier (I don't have a title for this)

919 31 16

Ego: Dr.iplier
Prompt: "What, does that feel good?"
Sin couse that's the only idea I have for this.
I'm just gonna apologize
I'm sorry
Fingering involved
You have been warned
He inserted his finger inside of you. You moan in pain and plesure. It kinds hurt since you were a virgin. He smirked and inserted another one. He started to scissor you. You moaned out his name. He leans down and kisses your neck. Licking and nibbling on your sweet spot. You moan out his name. He gets hard and takes out his fingers. You whine. "What, did that feel good?" He asks.


That's it. I can't wright anymore. I'm sorry

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now