Give me the cane (Dark/Damien)

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It was a quiet day in the Ipliers mansion, whick is very unusual. You sat by Dark in his office as he looked over paperwork. You were reading a book when Wilford walked into to room. "You will be shocked when I show you the cool things I found in the attic" Will smiles. "Is that so?" Dark asked, not looking away from his work. You looked at Will and smiled. "Go on and show us," Will walks out and comes back with...two thing. He's holding both behind his back. "I found this cool hat," he says and puts it on, "and it fits perfectly" he adds. You looked at the hat. It''s the same one he had way back then. When he was the Colonel...William. Dark spins his chair around and looks at Will. His eyes widen. "That's a nice hat Will" he says. "I've got one more cool thing" he takes the other thing out from behind his back. It''s Damien's cane! You put a hand over your mouth and held back the tears....Damien....your husband. Dark looked over at you. He could tell you looked heartbroken. Will looked at you and frowned. "Is something wrong?" He asked you. "Give me the cane," you whispered and held out your hand. "What?" "Give me the cane!" You yelled. He quickly handed you the cane and you went to your room.

A few moments later, Dark walked up to your room. On his way there a few egos asked why you looked so upset, he just shrugged them off and kept walking. He heard light sobs coming from your room. He knocked lightly on your bedroom door. "Y/n...can I come in?" He asked quietly. "Y-yes" you mumbled loud enough for him to hear. Dark opened the door slowly. He walked in and closed the door gently. You were sitting on your bed clutching on to Damiens cane. He walked slowly over to you and sat down. He looked down at you. Your eyes were bloodshot and tears stained your cheeks. "He misses you" Dark says. "How d-do you know?" You looked at him. "I" he sighs. "What are you n-not telling me?" You look at him and ask. "It''s complicated" he said. You sigh. "It doesn't matter" you say, getting up. "Where are you going?" He asks. "To apologise to Will" you set down Damien's cane on your bed. Dark stood up quickly and grabbed your hand. You turned to him and he gave you a...hug. You hugged him back. It was warm and full of comfort. You looked up at him and for a split though you saw Damien.

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