Darkiplier vs Antisepticeye Bloopers

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You were standing in the middle of Mark and Jack. Jack was on your right while Mark was on your left. Jack had his hands on his hips and you and Mark were looking at Tyler while he talked. "Give me another clap for safety because I think I might have been before I hit record" Tyler said. You three look at each other and three way high-five. Jack smiled like a dork and put his hands back on his hips and said, "the power of friends" in a weird voice. You and Mark start laughing.

Jack started laughing like Anti and twitching. He turned and looked away from you and Mark and then looked back. "I'm having a fucking seizure" he says. You and Mark both join in on having the seizure. "This electric boogies's fuckin' popin!" Jack smiles. "Unce unce unce unce" you say. "Work it, work it Justin." Everyone starts laughing.

Jack starts doing his Anti laugh and then rubs his hands together. He then proceeded to boop Marks nose. Everyone bursts out laughing. "I don't need to stand here for this," Mark says and walks away. "Yeah" you say. "Oh, god..."

"SHARK" Jack points past Mark and yells. You three duck down. "1...2...3.." Mark mumbles and you all get back up. "BEAR" Mark yells and you all duck down again. The three of you get back up and then you point and yell, "ETHAN". You and Jack duck down while Mark proceeded to dab.


Hope this was good

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now