Game Grumps (Markiplier)

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"Arin you suck at this" you said as Arin was losing at Mario Kart. "You think you can do better!?!?" He yelled. "Yes, I know I can" you smirked. He tossed you the controler. You started playing and emidently got in 1st. Arin sat there shocked and Dan was laughing his ass off at how much better you were at this that Arin. "She's cheating!" Arin yelled. "How is she cheating?" Dan asked in between laughs. "She rigged the controller!" "She's using the same one you were" Dan said right as you won. "This is bullshit" Arin mumbled. You and Dan were laughing but that soon stopped when your phone went off. You looked at it and saw that Mark was calling you. You answered it. "Hey Mark, whats up?" You said. "Im boree, have nothing to do, and was wondering if you wanted to come over" he asked. "I cant. Im recording with Danny and Arin". Mark whined. "Whats he want?" Dan whispered to you. "Marks bored and has nothing to do" you told him. "Well he could come over and hang out here" Arin said. "Hey Mark, wanna come and hang out with me and the grumps?" "I'll be over in a bit" he said and hung up. "Marks coming over" you told them. "Is he bringing Chica!?" Dan asked. "Probably" you smiled.


You, Mark and, Arin were playing a intense game of Mario Kart while Dan was om the floor playing with Chica. You were winning Mario Kart but soon that changed when Mark passed you. You didn't even yell at him like you normally did with Dan or Arin. Arin found it odd. Did you like Mark? NO! No you don't. Silly Arin. Arin looked at Dan and Dan looked back. They nodded and knew what there plan was. "Hey Mark. Can I take Chica on a walk?" Dan asked. "Yeah sure! Chica would love that" Mark smiled. Dan clipped her leash to her collar. "Hey Dan, can I come with you?" Arin asked. Dan nodded and they both left leaving you and Mark....alone....fuck them.

You and Mark were playing never have I ever. "Ok...never have I ever dropped out of college" you smirked. Mark sighed and held up his finger. "One more finger Markimoo and I win" you smiled. "Never have I ever...been a girl" Mark said. "Jerk" you mumbled and held up a finger. "Never have I ever had 19 different alter egos!" Mark holds up his last finger and you hollar in victory. "Well now it's time for your reward" Mark says. "Reward?" Mark smirks and leans in and kisses you. You imediently kiss back and lean into it. He pulls away and smirks. "Ive wanted to do that for years" he looks into your eyes and smiles. "I love you Mark" you say. He kisses your nose. "I love you to". Wow. Danny and Arin helped you tell Mark you love him....wait no it was all thanks to Chica. If she wasn't here they couldn't have left.

Reminder: give Chica lota of love later

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