Wilford warfstache x child! reader

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You ran through the woods with your best friend. He was an adult but he acted like a child when he was around you. He was really funny and told you story's about his older brother Darkiplier or Dark for short.

His name was wilford warfstache.

"Will c'mon!!! Your so slow!!!" You run toward a tree. It was your climbing tree. You loved that tree. "I'm coming geez. And I'm not slow your just faster than me" "Yeah sure...slow poke" you say the last part under your breath. Wilford chuckles.

You go stand in front of your tree. "Welcome to my climbing tree!" You start to climb the tree. It's a tall tree. "Be carefully kid!" Wilford says. "I'll be fine!!!" Wilford sits on a tree branch."Will c'mon it's nice up here!" "No thanks kid I rather not!" "Baby!" You yell.

You keep climbing. You look down and you were pretty high up. You put your foot on a branch....and it snaps! You start falling. You start to scream.

(Wilfords pov)

I sat on a tree branch watching (y/n). She's a good kid. I sometimes wish she was older though. I am a demon though. So when she gets older maybe we can. I start to hear screaming. Wait...that's (y/n)!!!

I look above me and see her falling. I put my arms out and catch her. She beating heavy. "Will you saved me!!" She hugs me and I blush a bit. "Your welcome kid" I hug her back. She yawns and falls asleep in my arms. I chuckle. "Goodnight (y/n).

There will be a part 2

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