The Host x Reader

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It was a normal meeting as usual today. Will giving off some weird idea to take over Marks channel, Dark turning it down. You sat next to Host as he quietly narrated what was happening. "C'mon Darky, this plan will work!" Will said. Dark lookes at Host. "What's the chance that it will work?" He asked. Host though for a moment. "12% if Bim doesn't get stabbed." He said. "What!?" Bim panicked. "It's a chance where willing to take." "I don't agree with this." Bim said. "I don't give a damn." Dark said. "Dark gives so many damns they're visible from SPACE." Host says. You and Doc hold in the laughter. Dark glares at you two and you both stop.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now