Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye

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You wake up to the sound of bickering. God damn it. There arguing again. And by there I mean dark and anti. I've lived with them for 2 years and they never stop arguing. Yesterday the were arguing who had better muscles. You did pick Dark cause he can acauly lift you over his head and Anti can only carry you.

You walk over to your closet and put on some shorts cause you just slept in your underwear and a (your favorite color) tank top. You walked downstairs to see dark wearing shorts and no shirt and Anti had a white shirt and black sweatpants on. "What are you arguing about and who started it this time?". You fold your arms and lean on the wall.

"He started it!" They both yell. "And your fighting about?" "How Dark should were a shirt around the house!" Anti yells. You smack your hand on your face. This is dumber than yesterday's argument. "Fuck it I'm not getting in between this. You two settle this on your own" you say. They start arguing again while you walk to the couch and turn on the tv.

 They start arguing again while you walk to the couch and turn on the tv

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That sat by you on the couch after an hour of arguing. Anti was on your left while Dark was on your right. "You know Anti" Dark says "your lucky (y/n) made me take off your shock collar". That's it! You have had it. "Your both lucky I don't put shock collars on both of you!!!" There faces lit up "and why is that?" Anti asks. "Cause im sick and tired of you two bickering!!! I've had it with the arguing and if it happens one more time I'm gonna put shock collars on you and make you sleep out side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You angrily walk up to your room and slam the door.

Part one complete

This is only part on as you could tell. In the next part there will be a girl. Here name is savannah and she Is your bestfriend. So for now good bye you peoples

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