Markiplier x Reader x Darkiplier

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Also Mark has his red hair in this
I'm also sorry if it's bad
Plus your dress is any color you want it to be

You were sitting in your garden behind the castle. You were waiting for Mark. He was your best friend. Well best guy friend. Signe (jacks real girlfriend) was your real best friend. You sigh and look around at all the flowers you and Mark planted together. You had grown to love Mark. Every time you got kidnapped by Darkiplier he would all ways come to save you. Now, Dark was very kind to you but he does have a temper. He gets angry easily. He always kept you in a beautiful bedroom with a balcony when Mark was on his way to get you. The only time you were kept in a cage was when Mark reached the last level. He had the ipliers (Bim,Host,Dr.iplier,Ed,Silver,King of the squirrels, and Google) put you in a cage by his throne. It wasn't like being kidnapped was so bad. The ipliers were very nice to you and always kept you company when Dark couldn't. You did wish you could spend more time with them. But, you only could when you got kidnapped. You always spent a lot of time with Bim and Host. Bim would tell you story's of what went on when you weren't there and Host made up story's to help you fall asleep. Now if you think I'm leaving out someone I am. And that's Wilford. He's like Darks right hand man. Be does what ever Dark wants him to do with no complaints. He does scare you though. With his loud and annoying behavior. When he always pulls out a gun at you just for the hell of it. So you tried to stay away from him.

You feel something around your arms. It's digging into your skin and it hurts. You look down and see that your tied with ropes. You feel someone yank you up by the rope. You yelp and here a familiar chuckle you know all to well. Wilford. "Good to see you again Princess. You have you been?" You role your eyes. Wilford was always one to talk to you before he dragged you back to Darks castle. "Well I was doing fine until you showed up" you say. He chuckles. "You amuse me princess. Now, do you wanna just stand and talk or just head to Darks castle?" You sigh. "Let's just get this over with." He teliports you both away as a cloud of pink smoke surrounds you. You can head a faint voice of someone yelling. You can't quite make out what the voice.said but it did sound like Mark or Jack.

Time skip

You were looking out over the balcony in your room. You've been there for only two hours and Dark hasn't even come to see you. It was weird. You were so use to seeing him by now. You didn't kinda miss him-wait!! Don't think that. He's taken over countless world's and he just wants to take over your kingdom. We're you falling for Dark to?
No. You can't fall for him. You love Mark and that's it. You and Dark will only be 'friends' and that's all your gonna ever be. A part of you said that just wanted to stay friends...but the other part said more. You here the door open. 'It's probably one of the ipliers or Dark' you think. You feel a hand on your shoulder. It's kinda cold but feels warm at the same time. It's Dark. "Sorry to keep you waiting princess. I got busy." He says. "That's fine. Plus, I wouldn't care if you did or didn't show up" you say. He chuckles. "All ways hard to get. I like that." You stay silent. Dark always did flirt with you and you sometimes you didn't mind.  But when it became a sexual kind of flirting, that's when you did care. "You know why I'm here princess?" "Yes" you say. Dark smirks. "Then what's your answer?" "I will not marry you!" You yell. You turn around and look at him with your arms crossed. "C'mon princess, I could give you anything you want!" He's starting to get angry. Every time Dark kidnappes you he will always ask you to marry him and every time you say no. You walk away to your makeup desk (is that what's it called?) He walkes over to you and puts his hands on your shoulders. You look at him through the mirror. "Give me three good reasons why I should marry". He sighs. "Your beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have you". You stay silent. "I could do all the work while you relax. I know how to rule a kingdom" you nod your head ok. "And....I don't wanna be lonely anymore". He looks down. Your eyes widen. "You may think I'm joking but I'm not. It gets lonely here. The Ipliers don't really wanna talk to me and Wilford is fucking crazy...I...I just want a normal person to talk to." His head looks down. You get up and put your hand on his shoulder. He looks at you with tears in his eyes. You put your hands on his cheeks and use your thumbs to wipe away the tears. He puts his hands over yours and smiles. Wow, that's the first time you ever saw him smile. You kiss his forehead. He blushes. "I gotta go. I have more work to do" you nod your head. He walks to the door. As he opens it he looks at you and smiles. You smile back.

Marks pov

Shit! It's getting Dark. I sigh. Might as well find a place to sleep. I walk over to a tree with shade and lay by it. I look up at the stars. I wonder if (Y/n) is looking at the stars. I miss her. I really do. I like her a lot and I think she likes me. But I'm not sure. I look around. I wish I brought Jack with me. I would have way more fun then and mabey we could of brought Signe. I here rustling in the a boosh. I look over at it. I get up and walk over to it. As I get closer I see a familiar looking green on it. "C'mon Jack I know your in there" I say. I see Jack poke his head out of the boosh. "Hey" he says. He points two gun fingers at me. "What are you doing here?" "I wanted to join you!" "You could of asked" "oh...."

The next day

You opened your eyes. You sit up in your bed and stretched. You get out of bed. You put your dress back on cause you slept in a nightgown Dark got your you. You walk out over to the balcony and look down. You see Dark talking to Wilford. Dark nods his head and then calls for Bim. Well, you asumed he did because Bim walked over to him. Bim walked away as Dark went in that opposite direction of him. A few minutes later your door opens. You look st it and see Bim. "Oh!Your awake! Good" he says. "Hi. Do you need something?" You ask. "Y-yes! Dark wanted me to take you to the throne room." He says.

Mark's here

There will be a part two. I just wanted to get this part published.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now