Darkiplier x Princess!Reader

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(F/c)=favorite color

You sat on your bed in the castle. You were waiting for him. It was around midnight but that was the only time you could see him. He was an enemy to your kingdom and kidnapped your older sister, Amy, only twice. But then he stopped, cause he saw you and imedeintly fell in love with you. He loved you more that he loved Amy. And you loved him. You could only see him once a week cause he was either busy or everyone was in the castle. So you both decided to only see each other every Friday at midnight. It was currently 11:23. You here a tap on your window. You walk over to it and open it. You see him! "Dark! What are you doing here so early!?" You whisper. "People are still awake!" He chuckles. "I missed you to" he put a hand on your cheek and kisses you. He pulls away and picks you up bridal style. You wrap your arms around his neck just to make sure you don't fall. He chuckles and plants kisses all over your face. You giggle. "Dark stop!" He kisses you on your lips. You kiss back and run your had through his hair. He pulls away. You both laugh. You look out your window for a second and see two people standing there watching you. You look closer and see...Amy and Mark! "Dark put me down!" You whisper. He does. "Get under my bed, be quiet, dont come out until I say so, and don't ask questions!" He obeys and crawls under your bed. You shut your window and runs over to your bed. Luckily, you were already in your nightgown. You sit in your bed and grab the book that was on your nightstand. You pulls your covers up to your waist and open to the book to the page you were on. A few seconds later you here a knock on your door. "Come in!" You say. The door opens to reveal Amy and Mark. "Hey sis" Amy says. "Yeah?" You say. She looks at your window. "Wasn't your window open?" Mark asks. "Well it was. But I got up and shut it. It was getting cold in here" you simply say. Amy nods and walks over to you. She sits on your bed. "Well...me and Mark were walking in the garden. And we though we saw you and Dark...kissing." you giggle. "Well one, why would I kiss Dark. I hate him." Saying that broke your heart. You were hoping Dark didn't get mad for you saying that. "And two, why would he be in my room anyway? He's our enemy." You say. She nods. "Your right. We must of been seeing things." She gets up and walked to the door. "Get some sleep" she shuts the door as her and Mark leave the room. You sigh. "You can come out Dark..." you say. You gets out from under your bed. He looks at you. "This was a bad idea" he says. You look at him shocked. You get up and put your hands on his cheeks. "No its not! I love you and that all that matters! I don't care what they think about us it doesn't matter!" You were on the brink of tears. "Then why are we keeping this a secret?" He says. "Cause they wouldn't understand" your eyes both look straight at each others. He leans in and kisses you. "I knew I wasn't seeing thing" you both here a voice say. You both pull away and look at where the voice came from. Amy and Mark! "I though you said you didn't like him?" She askes. "I...um....I can explain" you say. "I've heard enough. Mark tell the guards to board up every window in the castle and make sure there a spell put on the castle to make sure no one can teliport in or out of the castle." Amy says. Mark nods his head and walks away to tell the guards. You run over to her. "Amy please don't do this!" You have tears in your eyes. She looks at you. "I'm only trying to protect you." She turns around and leaves. Two guards come into take Darks out of the castle. As they all walk by you Dark says, "Goodbye love" with tears in his eyes. With that your door shuts and gets locked from the outside. You put your hands over your mouth and fall to your knees. Your eyes now filled with tears and them spilling down your cheeks.

Three week later

You were laying in your bed wearing baggy shorts and one of Darks shirts he left here. No, we didn't do that! He just got hot and took it off and forgot it. You haven't left your room since Amy found out. She always had one of the guards bring you food (that you barely ate). You missed him so much. You were broken and sad. Mark felt bad so he came in a few time and talked to you. It did help. But not much. Your door opens. You look up and see Amy. You put your head back down on your pillow. She comes and sits on the side of your bed. "Hey sis" you stay quiet. "I only did it to protect you" she says. "I just want what's best for you" ".....". She sighs and gets up and walks to the door. Before she leaves you say "he wouldn't hurt me....he loved me and you ruined my life!". She looks back at you. "You'll understand why I did this when your older" she exits the room. You get up from your bed. You put on your (f/c) dress and brush your hair. You grab your bag and put two extra pairs of clothes and one of your nightgowns. You put in your hair brush and all your other hygiene products. You grab it and run out of the castle to Darks castle. Some guards tried to stop you but you gust kept running and running.

3 days later

You had finnaly reached Darks castle. After 3 long days and 2 nights you finnaly made it. Luckily you didn't have to sleep outside. You found some nice little villages and stayed in an inn. You knock on the door and it opens to reveal Dr.iplier. He looks at you in shock. "Y/n!? What are you doing here!?" He asked. "I ran away from home. This is the only place that I could got." You reply. He smiles. "I'm sure Dark would he very pleased to see you!" He leads you to Darks room. "This is his room." He points to it. "Thank you" you say. He nods and walks away. You slowly open the door you see Dark looking out over the balcony. You quietly set your bag down. You walk over to him and tap his shoulder. He growls. "For the last time Google you can't make me feel better!" He says. You giggle. "Out of everyone Google was the one who tried to cheer you up?" You ask. His eyes widen. You turns around and looks down at you. "K-kitten?" He says. You smile and nod. He scoops you up at twirls you around. You giggle. He sets you down and falls to his knees. He looks up at you and wipes away the tears falling down your face. You didn't even know your were crying. He wraps his arms around you and buries his face into your neck and starts crying. "I-i missed you so-so much" you run your had through his hair and kiss the top of his head. "It's ok...I'm here now" you quietly say. He looks up at you. "It's never letting you go." He says. You fall to your knees and look at him. You use your thumb to wipe away all the tears. He leans in and kisses you. You obviously kiss back. He licks your bottom lip asking for entrance. You don't deny as your tongues fight for dominance. He won and explored his new found territory. You pull away for air. He starts to attack your neck leaving love bites and hickys on it. He pulls away from your neck and looks at you. "I don't ever wanna leave you for that long ever again" he puts his hand on your cheek. You smile. "I can promise I won't ever leave you again" you say. He smiles. "Be my queen" you blush and look up at him. "A-are you asking me to m-marry you?" You ask. "Yes. Unless you think we should wait longer." You feel more tears stream done your face. You quickly kiss him and pull away. "Of course I'll marry you!" He smiles.


I really wanted to show Darks soft side in this. It's just something you don't see that often in Dark x Reader. I hope you liked it!

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