Determined (Wilford Warfstache)

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Ego: Wilford
Emotion: Determined

You weren't one to laugh easily. You weren't very ticklish. Your boyfriend, Wilford Warfshache, would always try to make you laugh. One day he came home with a giant fake dick on his face Mark let him borrow. You didn't even Crack a smile. He was so Determined to make you laugh he went to exteam levels to get you to laugh. He dressed up as Dark for a whole day and said stuff like 'I'm and edgelord' or 'my dick is to small for my body'. You weren't even impressed. But one day without him laughed. It was a normal Friday night. You both were sitting on the couch watching Disney movies. Until one perticular part came on were you couldn't help but laugh. You were watching that's one part of Lilo and Stitch when she out his finger on the record player and opens his mouth and the music started to play. You cracked a small smile snd chuckles. Wilford looked over at you with shock and amazement. "You can laugh!" He stands up and looks down at you. "Everyone, exempt mute people, can laugh Wilford. Just some harder than others." He wines. "I wanted to be the one who makes you laugh" you shake your head. "That was the first movie to make me laugh. You can still be the first person to make me laugh" you suggested. He smiles wildly. "I'm going to go get the fake dick!" He runs up to your bedroom. You smile. You were dating an idiot.

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