Antisepticeye x Neko!Reader

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Finally an update! I'm so sorry it took so long. I just had writers block and had no motivation at all. Cause I have a lot of free Time but no motivation. So on to the story!
Warning: slight depression
You walked through the woods with your ears down. You were sad. You family abandoned you cause you were diffrent. You were born with cat ears and a cat tail. Your parents were only going to raise you till you were 20.

You were hungry, scared, alone,cold, and you didn't like it. You hadn't eaten in 2 days and you wanted to die.

You fall to your knees with tears in your eyes. You clutch on to your stomach while it rumbles as if telling you to eat something. But you cant. You feel disey. The it hits you.

You pass out.

(Time skip)

You woke up in a bed. It was unfamiliar. You looked around the room. There was a door to left of you and a closet in the corner of the room. You got up from the bed to see your clothes were changed. You weren't in your ripped clothes that were to big for you.

You were in a white tank top, black hoddie with a green hood, black jeans and brown boots. Surprisingly they fit. You walked out of the door and saw a a door in front of you and 1 door on both sides of the hall. You looked to your right and saw some stairs.

You walked down the stairs and entered the living room. It was a nice looking living room. You looked around and saw the kitchen. You walked to the kitchen and peeked your head around the corner.

You saw a man with green hair, a white t-shirt and black jeans. 'He  looks cute' you think. 'No! You haven't even talked to him yet! All you know is he could be a crazy murderer' he chuckles "well I used to be but I'm not anymore" he said.

You eyes widen. 'Wtf!' You think. "I can read minds sweetheart".
(I don't know if anti acauly can so pls just go with it)
You blush slightly. You don't even know why you were though. "You gonna just stand there and look pretty or you actually gonna talk to me?" You walk out from behind the corner and get a good look at him.

You notice that he is wearing a shock collar. You tilt your head in confusion. He looks at you "you wondering about this?" He points to his collar. You try to say yes but nothing comes out. Well you lost your voice. You nod your head yes instead. "Well I would take it off but I can't. Please don't ask why. And I have it on cause of...a past relationships I don't like to talk about" he explains. You nod your head.

You walk over to him and lean tour head on his shoulder. 'Thank you' you think. "What for?" 'For bringing me here' he chuckles.

"No problom"

Tell me if you want a sequel to this!

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now