The Story (Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache)

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The egos were sitting on the couch or around the couch. You were sitting on a chair. You sighed.

"It began years ago"

You were talking to Damiom waiting for Coronel and the new district attorny to arrive. You haven't seen them in years and it was so good to see your college friends again. Especially, Damiom and Coronel. You looked over and saw Coronel. You smiled and excuses yourself and went over to Coronel and hugged him. "William, its so good to see you!" You said. "He hugged back and said, "It's been years. Looking as beautiful as ever Y/n! Haven't aged a day" Coronel smiled. "Stop, your making me blush". You looked over and saw that The Butler was serving drinks. He walked uo to you two and you both took one. Mark came walking dowm the stairs and started talking.  Saying that tonight was about us. The party began and you all were very drunk. All you remember was Damion doing a keg stand, Coronel holding a unloaded gun up to his head, and passing out at 1:00.

You woke up later and walked out of your room. Benjamin brought you a drink that helped with hangovers. Damion was standing by the ledge. You smiled. "Good morning Damion. Last night was a riot" you said. He turned around and smiled. "It was. But, not as crazy as our days at the University" He said. "Well I need to talk to Will about something about last night." You smiled and walked away. As you walked away the district attorney walked out and started talking with Damion. You walked into the kitchen and greeted Chef. He wqs a little frightening but he soon warmed up to you...a little. You quickly drank your glass and set it down. Lighting flashed when you set it down. "Oh my god, theres been a murder" some one yelled and lighting flashed whey they said murder. 'MURDER!?' you thought. You and Chef walked into the living room and saw Mark laying on the floor...dead. "Did you- MURDER! " Chef yelled. You gasped. Detective started talking the distric attorney. He asking who was incharge and  then answering his own question, saying that it was Mark. He yelled saying that he was in charge now and asked why they were here at the time of Marks death. But, Butler pointed ouit that Mark had been dead for a while. Detective laughed but believed the story. "Im sorry but I must excuse my self" you said. "Are you all right miss?" Benjamin asked. You nodded and left the room. 'How could Mark be dead?' You though. Damion walked up to you and saw that you weren pail and shaking a little. "Is everything all right" he asked. "Go to the living room and see what happened." You told him. He nodded but hand no idea why you told him to go. You walked around for a little bit. You never noticed how big the house was untill now. Odd. Losing some one you care about can change everything. Uuuggghhh. Headache! You sigh. Mabey a dark room will help. You walk into the movie theater and sit in one of the seats. "Hello, Y/n. Pleasant suprise seeing you here."


I'll do a part two for this. I wanted to get something out soon so here is part one.
Also, is it a problem for any of you that the art isn't mine and I dont credit the creators? I would credit them though but its not like I know who draws all the art.

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