That would be enough (Darkiplier)

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You were sitting in your back yard waiting for your husband,Dark,to get home from work. Today you finally decided to tell him that your were pregnant. But in your defence he wasn't home that much the past month. He was busy with work and normally got home and hour after you fell asleep and left and hour before you woke up. Now, you don't work and Dark doesn't care. He makes enough money for you both, plus six more people. But in about eight months he's gonna be making money for three. You here foots steps behind you. You turn around and see Dark. His face looks worried and mad. You comes and sits by you. You lean your head on his shoulder. "Look around look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now. Look around look around." You put your hand on darks cheek. He smiles. "How long have you know?" He glares at you. "A month or so" you look up at him. "You should of told me!" "I'm not sorry" you smirk. "You deserve a chance to meet your son. Look around look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now"  you lean your head on his shoulder. "Look at where you are. Look at where you started. The fact that your alive is a miracle. Just stay alive and that would be enough." You grab his hand and put it on your little baby bump. "And if this child shares a fraction of your smile or a fragment of your mind look out would that would be enough. "I don't pretend to know the challenges your facing the world you keep erasing and creating in your mind. But I'm not afraid. I know who I married. So long as you came home at the end of the day..."

"That would be enough"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now