Magic Show (Magic Marvin)

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I need to do more with the septiceyes. So I'm gonna try to do a bunch of septiceye oneshots.


You, Jack, and all of his egos were out at the park spending time with nature. Jack loved the out doors and so did all of the egos, even Anti. The only problem was that you all had to keep a close eye on Rob to make sure he didn't wander away. You and Marvin were walking to the duck pond to look at the ducks. You both sat down by the pond and all the ducks started to swim to you and Marvin. You reached your hand over to one of the ducks and pets there head. Marvin smiles. You were to occupied petting the ducks to notice than Marvin was waving his wand (I think he has a wand). Soon a baby duck came up to you and rubbed it's head on your hand. "Aaawww! Aren't you just a cutie!" The baby duck jumped into your hand. You brought your hand closer you your face and pet the baby duck. Marvin smiled. Soon enough the baby duck wanted down to see it mom and siblings. You set it back down into the pond and it swam off. "Wanna go for a walk?" Marvin asks. You look at him and nod. He blushes a bit but most of it is covered up by his mask. You both stood up and started walking down the path. It was spring so the flowers were blooming. As you both were walking down the path Marvin suddenly grabbed your hand. You blushed. Marvin smiled and got am idea. "Wait here" he tells you and runs off. You stand there confused. Later different color flowers sprout around you forming the shape of a heart. You looked around you and smiled. Doves swirl around you. You giggle a little knowing that's Marvin is behind this. He steps out behind a tree with a red rose in his hand. He walks over to you. "A rose fairest lady in the land" he gives you the rose and you giggle.


Anti and Schneep were behind a bush watching you both with binoculars. "Now kiss..." Anti said.

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