The Host x Darks Daughter!Reader

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I was sitting in my dad's office reading a book The Host gave me. It was very interesting. It was about a family filled with all different people. A man who runs an orphanage, someone who owns a hospital and is only in it for the money, a gut who was happy all the time, a 'supervillan', a guy who writes books and is a very famous Author, a mute man, a man who is very loud and rood, and a man who is scared of the loud one and is very quiet. And finally a girl who was adopted by the loud and rood man. She grew feelings for the writer but her father didn't allow it. As you get deep into reading your father, Dark, walks into his office. "Goodmorning sweetie" he says and sits down at his desk. "Mornin' dad" "what you reading?" He asks me. "It's a cool book Host gave me" I tell him. He nods and gets to his work. I look out the window and see Yan, King, and Wilford playing in the pool. "Hey dad? Can I go out and swim in the pool with Yan, King and Will" you ask him. "You know very well how I feel about you being around Wilford" you frown. Dark didn't really like you being around Wilford. He was loud and crazy. Most importantly he didn't know when Wilford would pull out his gun and fiddle around with it. You used to be able to be around Wilford until he almost shot you with his gun. "Ok" you never try to persuade your dad into changing his mind. If he says no it means no there's no way into changing it. Plus Dark is smart. You asked him to go to the mall with some 'friends' and they all ended in getting mugged while not paying attention to there things. You go back to reading. Your phone buzzes and you look at it.

Oliver: Host wants you to meet him in the library at 3

You: k. Thanks Ollie

Oliver: your welcome 😀

Oliver was always a sweetheart. He was your beat friend. Beside Host. You loom at the time 2:32. You shrug. Might as well go now. You get up and walk to the door. "Were are you going?" Dark asks not looking away from his work. "To the library" you tell him. He nods and keeps working. You walk into the library and sit down by the fireplace. You lean in by the fireplace and warm your hands. You here the door open and close. You start to here mumbling and someone pacing back and forth. You get up and walk to the source of the noise. You see Host pacing back and forth talking to himself. "This was a bad idea. What If she does say yes? Dark won't allow this. What was I thinking!?" Host says. You look at him shocked. You walk up behind him and tap his shoulder.  He turns around and you kiss him. He stiffens but when you run your hand through his hair he losens up and kisses back. You close your eyes and wrap your arms around his neck while his slither around your waist. You pull away for air. He looks down at you. "I love you Host" you tell him. "I-i love you t-to" he blushes and kisses your forehead. "Does this mean we're dating?" "Yes, it does" he says. You nuzzle his neck and he smiles. "Were gonna have to tell my dad" he pulls away. "I'll go ask him" Host says and walks away before you can protest.


You were sitting in a chair by the fireplace reading a book you found in the fantasy section of the library. You were waiting for Host to come back from asking Dark if it was fine to date you. You felt hands cover your eyes and you jump a little. You feel lips touch the top of your head. He chuckles. "He said it was fine. He was glad I wasn't Wilford." You smile and turn around. You wrap your arms his neck and kiss him. He kisses back. You both pull away and smile st each other. You hug him tighter. He leans in and puts his forehead on yours. "I also had to promise Dark that I would never hurt you." He tells you. "But I wouldn't even need to promise him. You wanna know why?" "Why?"

"Cause I was gonna protect you no matter what"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now