William x reader

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Celine and Wills affair never happened cause she was happily married to Mark and Will fell in love with you. Yay. Also, Mark can drink


It was lateish at night and everyone (you, Celine, Damien, Mark, and William) were all in Marks back yard having a small reception. It was after Mark and Celines marriage and they wanted a small party. You and Celine where sitting by the pool chatting. The boys were out on the field drunk and talking 'guy talk' as they called. "So, you have your eyes on certificate someone?" Celine asked you. You chuckled, "well...I-I mean there mabey is...some one I'm looking at." You said nervously. She smiled. "Tell me! I promise I won't tell." She said with a smile. "Well..." You glance over towards Mark, William, and Damien. Mark and Will had here arms on each other's shoulders and where singing a song. Will was trying to get Damien to join. "I may have a slight crush on William." You look back at her and say. She squeals. "I knew it." You blushed a little. You both turned your head and saw the guys coming up the stairs. Mark drukingly walks over to Celine and wraps and arm around her shoulder. "Have I...have I ever said how much I-i love you?" He slurs. "I don't recall the last time you did." She teased. "Well then I'll show you!" He cheered. She looked at you confused. He walked over to the pool and started stripping! You covered your eyes and Celine laughed. "This is for you Celine!" He yelled and jumped into the pool. It splashed you and her. You both laughed. Mark surfaced and leaned in the outside of the pool. "Love you baby!" He yelled. "No fair. That looked like fun!" Colonel yelled. He started stripping and jumped in as well, drenching you and Celine again. She squealed and you gasped. Will started floating on top of the water, his dick just...hanging out there. You covered your face and hid the blush. Damien walked over to the side of then pool. "I don't think that was necessary. You've drenced Y/n and Celine." He said. "Oh bully, Y/n is brave a little water never hurt her." Will said. Celine looked at you and wiggled her eye brows. "Damien come join us!" Mark cheered. "I'd rather not get my suit wet." He replied. "C'mon old chap!" Will says and gets out of the pool and quickly grabs Damien before he can run. "Will! No! Put me down!" He yelled. "A little water never hurt anyone!" He said and tossed Damien into the pool. He shreeked and doused you and Celine again. You groaned and leaned back in the chair and let out a giggle. Celine poked you shoulder. You looked at her. She pointed toward the pool. You looked at what she was pointing at. Will was back in the pool and gazing at you, lovingly. You smiled and waved at him. He turned his head away. You giggled and yawned. "I think I'm gonna call it a night." You say. "Goodnight everyone." You said and got up. They wished you a good night. You walked towards the house and went into your room. You sighed and got undressed and into your pajamas. You heard a slight knock on your door. You walked over to it and opened the door. William was standing there. He had a blush on his face, a mix of him being flustered and the beer. "Do-do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?" He asked. You smiled and scanned him. Thank God he had his boxers on. "Go get some pants on and come lay down." You said. He smiled and walked down toward his room. You walked over to the bed and layed down. You get covered up and snuggle into the blanket. After a few minutes the bed shifts, signaling that Will had layed down. He got under the blanket and snuggled close to you. You smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. "Do you mind?" He nervously asked. "Not at all." You said and nuzzled the top of your head under his chin. He smiled and pulled you closer. "Goodnight Colonel." You said and yawned. "Goodnight Y/n."

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