(Birthday) Septicegos x Teen!Reader

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Ah yes. Today's the day you turn 16 Great. One year closer to your death. Luckily for you, the septicegos rarely remember your birthday. They had adopted you for 2 years. As long as you can remember you've never celebrated your birthday. The orphanage never felt the need to celebrate them. A lot of kids weren't there for a long time. You've been there since you were six.

You flopped out of bed and walked down toward the kitchen to get coffee; the beer of the morning. But you can't have beer so. You saw that Chase and Henrik where already up. Henrik sat at the table with his head down and coffee mug in his hands. You pat him on the back as you walked to the coffee machine. "Morning Y/n." Chase said and ruffled your already messy hair. "Morning." You said. You grabbed your mug that Anti got you that said, "suck it" cause you said that to much. You poured some coffee and sat on the kitchen counter and drank some. Chase looked at you. "You like black coffee?" He asked. "Just like my soul." You mumbled and took a sip. He chuckled. "Your a weird kid." "I'm aware." Henrik looked up. "I veel like I am forgetting someving." He said. You panicked for a moment. "Come to think of it." Chase said. "Today does feel special." Marvin, Jackie, and Anti walked into the kitchen. Chase looked at them. "Does to day feel special to you guys?" He asked. "Like ve are forgetting someving?" Schneep added. "Now that you mention it" Jackie added. "Has Y/n been sitting there looking suspicious the whole time?" Anti asked. Everyone turned to you. You were sipping your coffee and had some beads of sweat dripping down your face. "Y/n?"  Chase said. "Yes?" "Is there something your not telling us?" He asked and glared at you. No one noticed that Robbie and Jameson walked into the kitchen. "No." You said. "She used one word to answer. She's hiding something." Marvin said. 'Fuck.' You though. Anti glared at you and Rob and Jameson look confused. "Tell us what your hiding." Jackie said. You glared at him. "You people suck at remembering things." You sipped you coffee. "She's said zat before." Schneep said. They all thought for a second. Jackie snapped his finger. "It's her birthday!" "Bingo." You said and took another sip. "How could we forget?!" Chase said. "You do every year." They all looked at you. "Vell vhy didn't you remind us?" Schneep asked. "Cause this is more amusing." You chuckled and finished you coffee. "What...a birthday?" Robbie asked. "It's the time of year when someone is born." Marvin turned to him and said. "Oh?" Rob said but he still seemed confused. "Is there anything you'd like?" Chase aked you. "Well..." You think for a moment. "Junk food, a trip to the movies, Be More Chill tickets, and to beat up Stacy." You said. Chase looked at Schneep. "Ve can get you two of the four things." Schneep said. You looked at him. "Be More Chill tickets and beating up Stacy?" You asked. Jackie, Marvin, and Anti held in the laughs, Robbie didn't understand, Jameson can't laugh, and Chase and Henrik where judgeing you.


Today is my actual birthday and this is basically how is see my b-day, except I'm not adopted and this is the first year I didn't wanna celebrate it.

Posted on April, 5th

Also your girl is going to get to go see Hamilton in Chicago at the end of next month. Yay!

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