Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye

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Part two

You sat on your bed reading. You friend savannah had came over a while ago and was playing on her phone. You were still ticked at Dark and Anti. They wouldn't even come a foot near you. "You still mad at them?" Savannah asks. "Extremely" you replied. "So...why are you so mad...didn't the fighting start around the time they both told you they liked you? You should have just picked one so they wouldn't fight" "that's the thing. I love them both but god do they drive me crazy. And if I did pick one they would probably kill each other.

"Well I gotta go" she says. "See ya tomorrow" "bye" "bye". And with that she leaves. What are you gonna do know. Mabey some singing will help. You loved to sing ever since you were a kid. You get up and grab (your favorite color) jacket since it was cold out. You walk to the woods and sit by a tree. You plug your head phones in to your phone and pop them into your ears. You scroll down your play list and find your favorite song. (Imagine dragon,warriors/ believer/ radioactive)

You pick the song you sing out of those 3

You finish singing not knowing the two idiots you were mad at were listing to you sing.

Cliffhanger bitches!!!!!!
Know you gotta wait for part 3!!!


Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now