Chica (Markiplier)

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You were laying on the floor spread like a starfish. You were bored and your boyfriend,Mark, was recording a video. You sigh. You feel some pressure on your stomach. You look and see that Chica layed her head on your stomach. You chuckle and pet her. She starts to kiss your hand. "Chica your getting my hand all wet" you tell her. Her tail starts wagging. You get and idea. "C'mon Chica!" You both get up and walk to Marks recording room. You silently open the door and look at Mark. He seems to be playing a rage game couse he's yelling like crazy. You smirk. "Get em Chica!" You say. She runs over to Mark and jumps in his lap. He screeches not expecting Chica to jump on him. "Chica get your paw off me dick" he cries. You laugh and walk into the room. You walk over to them and pet her. "That's a good Chica!"  He looks at you. "Well you ruined my live stream" he says. That's right! He was live streaming today. You look at the comments and they mostly say 'omg Chica!' Or '(Y/n)iplier away!' "Well the fans sure seem to like Chica crushing your dick" you chuckle. "The fans like anything to do with my dick" he reply. You chuckle and kiss his cheek. He smiles. "Well I'm not angry anymore so now you gotta play the game" he tells you. You look at the screen 'I am Bread'. "I am not playing that!" You say. "You know very well I get angrier at that game than you do" he looks at the camera. "It's true. She rage quited five minutes onto the game." You nod your head.

"That's true"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now