The Room Were it Happens (The Ipliers)

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You singing
The ipliers singing

Warning: Death

You and the Ipliers-exept Dark and Wilford-were in the meeting room waiting for them to arrive. Even though you weren't an alter ego you still got to join in on there meetings. You were very pround of that since Dark never let anyone exempt the original egos to join. Not even Oliver, Green, and Red could be a part of the meetings. You were talking to Host when Dark and Will came in. You all fell silent. Dark took his place at the far end of the table while Wilford stood in the front. Dark called the meeting to start. But what Wilford said next kinda shocked you. He had said you weren't allowed into the meetings anymore cause you 'caused disruptions' or 'made mean comments'. Even though Wilford knew it wasn't true he needed an excuse to make you leave. With out hesitation you got up and left the room. You knew arguring with Wilford was pointless. As you left the other egos were curious to know why Wilford told you to leave.

You unlocked the front door to your home. You felt awfull. After thinking about it...mabey you did do something wrong. You sat on your bed and lowered your head. "I..."  you sing. "Wanna be in the room were it happens, the room were it happens". You get up and look into your mirror. "I...wanna be in the room were it happens!"  You say louder. You look into your mirror and see an image of the Ipliers. "We want our leaders to save the day!" "But we dont get a say in what they trade away! " We dream of a brand new start!"  You walk back over to your bed and sit down. "But we dream in the dark for the most part"  you lower your head.  "I wanna be in the room were it happens" you whisper, sheding a few tears.

In the meeting room

"Why did you tell her to leave?" Bim asked Wilford the moment you left. "Does it have to do with the fact that her birthday is in a month?" Google asked. "Correct" said Wilford. "And its gonna take a month to plan the best birthday shes ever had" Wilford added. "Wilford we get that you want her to be happy but she did tell us that she doesnt celebrate her birthday" Dr.iplier told Wilford. "She just said that cause she doesnt want us to make it a big deal". After that Wilford turned on the tv behind him and started talking about what his plan was.

A month later

It came as a complete suprise that the egos kicked you out of your own home the day of your birthday. They got you movie tickets to a movie you didn't even wanna go see. But since they paid like...15 dollars...on the ticket you decided to go anyway.

At your house

The egos started to decortae you house. They decided to have it in the basement since you had a tv down there, a pool table, a WiiU, Nintendo switch, a dvd player, and surround sound for the tv. They hung up multi-colored streamers, had balloons everywere, and made sure they had your favorite food and movies. They boughy 8 diffrent kinds of pop and a bottle of Jack Daniels. Two pop bottles being coke so you could have Jack and Coke since they cant drink but you can. It was an half hour till your movie finished so the egos just relaxed and waited for you to come home.

A half hour later

You unlocked your front door and stepped into your home. Odd. Its quiet. You shrug and here noises coming from downstairs. "Dont step on my foot Jim" you here someone whisper. "Sorry Jim". You sigh and walk down staires to see it pitch black. "You kniw that movie was-". The lights quickly turn on.


The ipliers pop out of their hiding spots. Your eyes widen. "Happy Birthday!" Wilford hugs you. You couldn't move. You were in shock. "Do you like it?" Bim asked. You looked over at Host. He was the only one who knew why you didn't celebrate your birthday day. It was the day your parents died. Hodt felt bad for not telling the others. " sorry. I have to go" you say as you run back up to your room, holding in the tears.

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