Damion x Reader

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You were standing outside waiting for your friend to arrive. They promised you that you could hang out with them today but, like many times before, they never showed. What was worse, you never knew if they canceled or not. The only for of communication was letters. You shivered a little as the wind picked up.

You felt something on your shoulders. You looked down and saw a suit jacket had been placed in you. You turned your head an saw the man who put it on you. He had black hair and a cane. "Sorry, if I startled you ma'am. You just seemed cold" he said with a smile. "No, it's fine. I'm Y/n" you say. "Damien. It a pleasure to meet you" he says. "May I walk you home?" He asked. You smiled. Yes, you did just meet him but he seemed very nice. "That would be lovely"


Part two will come out later. Sorry, I'm very lazy.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now