Giant!Darkiplier x Tiny!Reader

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Based off some things I read on Tumblr. Non of the art my me
Two different endings

You were sitting on Darks bed side table using his phone to watch Game Grumps. Since your tiny you can't find a phone your size. Using his phone was OK though. It was like watching a movie. You look up a t the time on his phone. 10:14. Dark should be done working by now. You here loud foot steps come up the stairs. The door opens and Dark walks through and closes it. "So that's were my phone went" he says. I giggle. He walks up to me and grabs it. "Hey! I was watching that!" You yell. He chuckles. "Well its my phone and I own you" you sigh. "Well I'm tired anyway" you shrug and climb into your tiny bed that Dark made you. It was a tissue box that had cloth as the mattress and blanket with a cotton ball as a pillow. It was comfy and warm. Dark pucks you up and puts you in his palm. "Your sleeping with me tonight." You smile he sets you down and changes into a long red t-shirt and boxers. He picks you back up and sets you down on his pillow. He climbs into bed and holds you in his hand and holds you close. "Goodnight darling" Dark says. "G'night Darky." As you drift off the sleep you here Dark say "...mine..." you giggle and fall asleep.

" you giggle and fall asleep

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Second ending

Dark swung the door open so fast you almost fell off the table. He slammed the door shut and angrily got his pajamas on and flopped onto bed. You look at him confused. He glances and you. "What happened?" You asked. "Work" he reply. You nod your head and crawl over to him and lay on his pillow. He looks at you and smiles. He uses his thumb and rubs it on your cheek. You smile. He pulls you closer. You crawl on his face and lay in his hair. It's very fluffy since he bought this new shampoo. You loved his fluffy hair. "You sleeping there tonight?" He asks. "Can I!?" Your eyes light up. "No" you whine. "Don't start whining or your get punished" he tells you. "How would you do that?" He grabs you and brings you closer to his face. "I'll eat ya!"

"That's not punishment! That's death!"

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now