What he does to get you to pay attention to him (A/n at the end)

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Will get rid of what your doing and tell you to pay attention to him.


Will poke you until you say "what?" And he just responds with a simple "hi"


Will drop subtle hints trying to tell you to pay attention to him


Will walk in and make a funny joke or ask you a random question till all your focus is on him


Will just stand/sit by you and randomly ask questions until your  attention is on him

The Googles:

Will take care of what ever you were doing and demand attention


Will blow up your phone with texts and calls or would bust into your house and demand attention weither you wanna give him attention or not

King of the squirrels:

He would he loud and straight to the point


Would act like a lost puppy and just stay with you until you gave him attention. He just a pure cinnamon roll who needs attention. So just give it to him!


Sorry I haven't really started the challenge thing were I wright a one shot with a certain amount of words. I've been wrighting a lot for my new book with the Sanders Sides and I haven't had many ideas and I need to do like four or five part twos for other parts in this book so I'm working on that to. I'll try to get more parts out but with school and other stuff it's kinda hard. Also all the headcannons you saw above were inspired by Marki-trash-blog on Tumblr. Please go check them out they are amazing.

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