Iplier x Reader

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Living with Mark and his alter ego was a living hell. You moved in cause your ex- boyfriend/girlfriend kicked you out after you dumped them. Mark being a good friend offered you to come live with him and the others. You were originally gonna like with Amy and Kathryn but took up Marks offer since they had more space since they live in a mansion and Amy and Kat live in an apartment. When you moved in the only person nice to you was Mark. The others treated you like the maid. Bim and Will always asked you to book interviews for them, Dark treated you like shit, Silver and Ed made you wash there clothes, Host and Doc we're at least decent to you, King and Yan always annoyed you, The Google's wanted to 'run test' on you, and Bing just never talked to you. Mark was the only one who treated you like a human. And you may be wondering why you haven't said anything is because when you did they threatened to kick you out and if you ever told Mark they definitely would.

You were currently sitting in your room listening to music and relaxing untill Yan and King ran into your room. "Y/n!!" King yelled. You groaned as they jumped on the bed and started to annoy you. "What you listening to!?" Yan asked and grabbed your phone. "Hey!" She paid no attention to you and took your ear buds out from you ears and gave one to King so they could listen to your music. "It's a song about Cookies!" King says. After a second you groan. Ninja Sex Party song Cookies...great. Yan gasped. "It said a bad word!" He said. "We're telling Dark!" King said. They took out the ear buds and tossed your phone on the bed and ran out of the room. 'Shit.' You thought. Dark and Will had a strict rule about swear words around Yan and King.

"Y/N!" Dark yelled. "Fuck." You whispered. You got up and walked down to his office. Dark stood in his office with his arms folded. Yan and King were standing behind his a snickering. "Yan, King could you please go play elsewhere?" Dark turned to them and asked. They ran off while laughing. Dark turned to you with and angry look in have face. "What have I said about swear words in front of Yan and King?" He said. "It wasn't my fault." You said. "They why did they come into my office saying you wanted them to listen to the song that swore?" "That's not how it happened." You said trying to contain your anger. "Then what did happen." You sighed. "They came into my room, took my phone, and started to listen to music." You said. "I highly doubt that's how it happened." That's fucking it. You raise your hand and slap him hard across the face. He steps back a little and hold his cheek. "I AM SO FUCKING DONE WITH BEING TREATED LIKE GARBAGE HERE." You screamed. The others over heard and all peaked there head into Dark's office. "I moved hear to get away from being treated like this from my asshole of an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. But, it seems like it just goes everywhere I go! I should've never moved hear in the first place!" You tell with tears moving down your face. You walk towards the door and push past the others, knocking over Bim and Silver. You ran up to your room and grabbed your suit case and started packing your stuff.

Mark walked towards Darks office after seeing you running you to your room crying. "What's wrong with Y/n?" He asked. Everyone was quiet. They were ashamed of them selves. "What did you do?" Mark said in a stern voice.

Few weeks later

You, Amy, and Kathryn where all watching a movie in the living room. It was movie night and you all decide on watching Wonder. "Daveed Diggs did so good in that movie." You said, while wipping a away a fake tear. Amy and Kat laughed and you joined them. "Wanna watch another one?" Amy suggested. "Sure." Kat said. Amy got up and walked over to the bug stack of movies they owned. "When have we ever watched Septic Man?" She asked. "I don't think we have." Kat said. Amy shrugged and put it in. You got curious and looked up the movie on Wikipedia. You chuckled a little. "What's so funny?" Kat asks as Amy sits down. "The movie is called Septic Man...and the main characters name is Jack." Kat and Amy look at eachother. "That's a weird coincidence." Amy says and laughes a bit. "Remind me to text Seán later and tell him."

After a while of watching the movie, a knock on the door is heard. "I got it." You say and get up before they can protest. You walk over to the door and open it. The ipliers are standing there with sad faces. You quickly shut the door and walk back to the couch. "Who was it?" Kat asked. "No one important." You said and sat back down. Kat and May looked at each other. Another knock was heard in the door. Amy quickly got up and answer the door. "Hey guys." She says. "Can-can we talk to Y/n?" Will asked. Amy glanced over at you and saw that you were trying to contain some tears. "I don't think she's ready to talk about it." She said with a sad smile. "Ok...just. please tell her we're sorry. For everything." Will says. "I will." She says and closes the door. She walked back over to the couch and sits next to you. She wrapps her arms around you and pulls you close. "They said there sorry." She says. "It's gonna take more than an appology for me to forgive them for how they treated me." You said and buried you face into her neck.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now