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I'm just combining the two ideas for the Kids!Au and it's a little different


You walked into your new home, your new family, and your new life. You were adopted by a two men named Chase and Henrik, but you just called Henrik, Schneep. You had no idea that there were other kids living in the house. They were kinda hyper and you were really nervous. Marvin was really nice and welcoming to you. Jackiboy, like Marvin, welcomed you in a very nice way. Robbie was a little nervous at first to meet you but he soon warmed up to you. Anti on the other hand...he didn't really like you. Until when he lost his favorite knife and he had a tantrum, you bought him a bigger one with your allowance and he (platonicly) loved you forever. When you met the Ipliers though, your life changes so much. They were very nice to you and you grew a close relationship with Oliver, Jim, Jim, and King. But out of all of them Bing was the one you grew close to. You both had a lot in common. You both loved to skate board (but failed at it), memes, and he loved how you could bake and when you wanted to you would bake something just for him. You first met Bing at the park, we're you and the other septicegos were when the ipliers showed up.


You and the Septicegos had just arrived at the park. They went off to do there own thing and you just sat in the swings. You were sitting there for about 10 minutes when four adults and...a lot of kids showed up. An adult wearing a suit walked up to Schneep and started talking to him. You guessed that they knew each other. You looked around at the other kids but one of them caught your eyes. He was on a skate bored and he wasn't that bad. He looked over at you and you just noticed you were staring at him. You imedently looked down and blushed. You really hoped he hadn't see you. What you didn't know was that he got off his skate bored and walked to you. He tapped your shoulder and you looked up at him. He was wearing these cool shades and had the 'bing' logo on his shirt. "Suh, dude!" He told you. "Hi" you looked away and he sat on the swing next to you. He looked at you. "So are you the kid Chase adopted?" He asked you. You nodded your head up and down. You both talked for a while. He was really nice and he showed you some tricks in his skate bored he was working on. When ever you saw him after that it made you get butterflies in your stomach.

End of flashback

You and the septicegos were watching a movies. You were all watching Princess and the Frog cause either was your turn to pick the movie. You noticed while watching the movie that Chase and Schneep looked nervouse. You just pushed it aside. But soon after that Schneep paused the movie and stood up. He walked in front of all of you. "Ve are moving back to Brighton" Schneep announced. The others jumped in excitement but you were shocked. You knew that the lived in Brighton, UK but you didn't know that they would be moving back. You acted happy but inside you were so sad. You were gonna have to leave Bing and the others. You didn't wanna leave Bing. That's why you were hesitant about telling Bing. When you did he said he was gonna spend every second of the day with you until you left. You were leaving on a week so you spent the week and the ipliers house and spent all your time with Bing. The day you left was filled with tears for you and Bing. Him and Dark went to the air port with you guys since Bing wanted to say goodbye before you left. As you all were waiting to board you flight you layed you head on Bings shoulder. Chase thought it easy just the cutest thing ever. When the time came you hugged Bing and tight as you could. You said goodbye and, you didn't know why, but you quickly kissed him on the lips and ran to Chase and the others. He stood there blushing. He wanted to tell you his feelings but never got the chance. You left him. You had to leave. He was heart broken. He only could hope he would get to see you again.

During the plane ride you were sitting by the window. It was about a 10 hour plane ride so you got comfy. You were sitting bt Chase and Marvin with Chase sitting in between you two. After a few hours Marvin fell asleep. Chase looked at you. "Y/n?" He asked. You looked at him. "Yeah?" You replied. "Do you like Bing?" Your eyes widen. "Well...Bings a good friends" he chuckled. "I mean like, like him. You did kiss him before we left" he said. You sighed. " I might. But...I don't know" you confessed. Chase wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "It's OK Kiddo, you'll figure it out soon" you smiled.

Years later

You were turning 26 in a few days and that would be the day you were gonna move to LA. Chase and Schneep were a little sad about your desision but let you go anyway. Rob was kinda emotional about you leaving but Anti was really upset you were gonna leave them so you had to promise you would visit on holidays, which you agreed to. If your wondering you hadn't changed much. The only thing is that you had glasses now (unless you already wear glasses, like me) and an awful boyfriend. So to take care if that last problem you were moving to LA. You weren't telling him and he was scared of Anti so he wouldn't come near your house. You had said goodbye to your family and left to go to the airport. The minute you got there you headed to the ipliers house. You knew they still lived there cause you still kept in contact with Bing but not that much. You hadn't told Bing or the other ipliers you were moving to LA. You knocked on the door and you were greeted my Bim, but he was older. "Y/n!?" You smiled and nodded your head. He hugged you tightly. "What are you doing here!?" He asked. You hugged him back. "Suprise" you said. He pulled away. "I'm going to get the others!" He ran into the living room. You stepped into the house and we're surrounded in hugs. Wilford hugged you tightly. "We missed you kid" he said. You chuckled. "I missed you all to". After a while of talking you noticed something, well someon, wasn't there. Dark had noticed. He leaned over to you and said, "he's upstairs". You smiled and quickly ran up to his room. You opened the door quietly and saw him sleeping with headphones on. You blushed and awed quietly. You sneaked up to him and took his headphones off. You stayed silent. You smirked and jumped on him. He emedently woke up. He hadn't fully figured out what happened till he heard you laughing. You were sitting on his waist. His eyes widen and he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down. You stopped laughing and looked at him. "Hi" you said with a little giggle. He smiled and hugged you tighter. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" He asked. "I wanted to Suprise you!" He smiled and kissed you. You were shocked. You kissed back with out hesitation though. He pulled away and out his forehead on yours. "I've wanted to do that for years" he admitted. "Um...I have a boyfriend" you told him. "Oh..." he frowned. "But! I hate him and I'm gonna dump him right now" he smiled again. You both sat up and you took out your phone and called your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. The phone rang. "Hello?" He said on the other side of the phone. "Hi" you responded. "Were are you right now? I can't find you anywhere" you smirked. "I'm in a different country" " Why didn't I know about this?!" He yelled. "Cause I hate you and we're over" you said. Before he could talk to hung up the phone. Bing chuckled and hugged you again. "Since your single now, wanna be my Girlfriend?" He asked. You kissed him quickly. "Yes" you responded.

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