Wilford Warfstache x Child!Reader (part 3)

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"You haven't changed a bit" you say.

He chuckles. "Well being non-human you don't change much" he says. You smile and hugged him again. "I missed you" you nuzzle his neck. He blushes and smiles. "I missed you to...can I tell you something?" He asks. "You can tell me anything". You let your hands full to your side. He sighs. "Look...this may seem weird considering that I've know you since you were a child and that I was a adult but...now that your older I just wanted to say that...I like you..like as in more than just friends and I get if you hate me now but-hmpf!" You put your finger on his lips to shut him up. "I love you to Will. Ever since I understood what love was I knew I always wanted to be more than friends with you". He smiles like an idiot. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. You put your hands on his chest and kiss him back. You here russling in a near by Boosh. "Anti, don't step on my hand!" "Well don't put your hand were my foot is asshole!!" You both pull away and look at the boosh. "Anti. Dark. We know your there" Wilford says. You see Anti and Darks head pop out from the top of the boosh. "We weren't spying on you" Anti says. Dark punches his arm. "Oooww" Anti wines. "So how have you two been?" You ask.

"Gay and Sinning" Dark replys.

"So the usual"

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