Simple Search Engines (Bingiplier)

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You and your little brother, Bing, were walking down the street. It was dark out. You were carrying him in your arms as he was sleeping. You both were search engines that got discontinued. You were made to be a care taker for little kids. You were made to be about 24-26. Bing was only 11. You dedicated your life to protecting him, even if it ment putting your self in danger. You found a nice place in the park to sit for the night. You sat down with Bing laying his head in your shoulder. His eyes opened a little and he looked up at you. "Sis?" He asked. You looked down at him. "Go back to sleep. You need it" he shakes his head. "What about you? Don't you need sleep?" He asked. You chucked. "I don't need sleep" you told him. He frowed. "Fine. But can you sing me back to sleep?" He asked. You smiled. "Of course". He layed his head back down on your shoulder. You sing him a lullaby that a mother would sing to her baby. He fell asleep soon after. You kissed his forehead. It was only a few hours since Bing had fallen asleep. You looked at your surrounding and saw a silhouette of a man looking at you. You looked down at Bing and saw him out cold. You looked up back at the man and he wasn't there. You sighed and hoped that you were just seeing things.

In the morning

You and Bing were walking around the park. Bing was walking next to you and was looking at all the kids with there parents. Bing looked up at you. He smiled knowing that he did have family and that family was you. You looked at the playground and saw a bunch of kids and four adults playing. You saw four kids wearing a blue, yellow, red, and green. You growled. Bing didn't know this but they were the reason you two got discontinued and the reason you both were almost destroyed. They could do what you and Bing were made to do and so much more. They were the reason you and Bing lived on the street. You hated Google IRLs. You saw one of the adults looking at you. He wore a black suit and looked intimidating. You decided to just keep walking. After a while of walking Bing wanted to stop and take a break. You both sat by a tree. "Hey sis?" "Yeah?" "Are...are we ever gonna find a home?" He asked you. "I don't know. I really do hate living on the streets and I know you do too" Bing looked at you. "Couldn't we live at an orphanage?" He asked. "I don't wanna take the risk of one of us getting adopted and the other being felt behind. I don't know what I would do without you. Your all I have felt" you stared crying. One thing about you and Bing was that you had emotions. Google IRLs didn't have emotions. They don't get attached. Bing hugged you and you hugged him back. "It's OK sis! I'll never leave you" you smiled and kissed his forehead. He kissed your cheek. You wiped away the tears. You looked up and saw the man from earlier looking at you and Bing. He noticed the man too. He started walking up to the both of you. You held Bing tighter. "Hello" the man said. "My name is Dark" he told you. "Im...Y/n. And this is Bing" you hesitly told him. "What do you want?" Bing asked. You looked at him and the man chuckled. "I only want to give you a home. I've seen you two wander the streets at night" he said. 'So he was the one I saw the other day' you thought. Bing looked at you. "Can we go with him!?" He happily said. You looked at Bing and then back at Dark. "How do I know you aren't lying?" He chuckled. "You saw me at the park earlier with my family. I think you can a trust me". You sighed and nodded your head. Bing smiled wide. You got up with Bing still in your arms. You followed Dark while carrying Bing. Soon you arrived at his home. It was two stories tall had a fence and a pool in the back yard. You walked in and set Bing down. "Your room is upstairs. Last door on the left." He told you and walked away. You and Bing went up stairs and found your rooms. As you were walking you noticed that there were three doors on each side of the hallway. The three doors on the right said 'Bim, Jim, and Jim', 'King of the squirrels, Ed, and Silver', and the last one said 'Yan and Artie'. One the left doors it said, 'Host and Doc' and 'Google, Oliver, Red, and Green'. That's just great. You live next to the four Googles. The last door didn't have anything on it which was you and Bings room. You both walked into the room. There was a bed, a couch at the end of the bed, a tv, a dresser, and a window that looked out the front yard. Bing ran and hopped on the bed. You chuckled. "We finally have a home!" Bing cheered. You smiled. There was a knock on the door. You looked over at door and saw four kids. They were the googles. The one in the yellow shirt smiled. You smiled back at him. You didn't like Google IRLs but, you decided that these four get an exemption since they had no idea, they were only kids, and they were kinda cute. "Hi!" The one in the yellow shirt walked up to you. You bent down to his level. "I'm Oliver" he told you. "And those are my brothers!" He pointed to the other three. "Well its nice to meet you Oliver. This is my brother" you pointed to Bing as he got off the bed and walked up to Oliver. "Suh, Dude!" Oliver smiled. The other three walked over to you. The one in the blue shirt held out his hand for you to shake it. "I'm Google" he told you. "And they are Red and Green" he pointed to Red and Green. "It's nice to meet you all" you told them. "Is it OK if we show Bing around?" Google asked. You looked at Bing and saw that he was talking to the other three. "Yes, you can" Google smiled. "Thank you" they all walked away. You got up and looked around yourself. You stumbled upon two adults. One with bandages over his eyes and one in doctors clothes. They were talking about something. Soon, the one who was...what you assumed was a doctor, looked at you. "So your the new addition to the family" he said as they both walked up to you. "I'm Dr.iplier, buy just call me Doc" he says. "I'm The Host" the other guy told you. "I'm Y/n" you said and looked out the window. You saw Bing and the Googles playing outside with the other kids. You smiled. Bing hasn't had that much fun in a while. You were glad he was having fun. This is more that anything you could ever give him.

Time skip to the night

You were sitting on the couch in your and Bing room. You decided earlier that you were gonna leave. Bing doesn't need you anymore. Your primary objective was complete. To protects and take care of children. He had a home and was happy. You got up and looked over at Bing. He was sleeping so peacefully. You smiled and kissed his forehead. His eyes didn't even open his eyes a little when you kissed him. He always opened his eyes. You frowed and shed a few tears. You walked to the door and looked at Bing one last time. You walked down stairs and took one last look at your home. The home you've only lived in for a day. You shake your head and open the door...and left.

Bing woke up that morning wondering were you were. He assumed you were downstairs with the others. But when he didn't see you down there he began to worry. "Were's Y/n at?" He asked. Dark looked at him and shrugged. "We thought she was upstairs with you" Dark replied. Bing began to worry. "Then were is she!?" He asked. After that they looked everywhere for you. They couldn't find you anywhere. Bing was so heart broken. He stayed in his room for days, the only person who came in his room were the Googles, especially Oliver, to come and comfort Bing.

Years later

Bing and the other kids were all grown up. Bing was an adult now. He was walking down the street minding his own business when he bumped into you on accident. "Sorry" he said and looked back at the person. "It's ok. I wasn't paying attention" the person said. He got a good look at you and noticed you looked very familiar. You imediently knew who he was. You started crying not even realising it. "Woah! Are you ok!?" He asked. "B-bing?" He realised who you were. "Sis?" You nodded. He hugged you tightly and you hugged him back. "You've grown so much!" You cried. "I missed you so much!" He let you go. You kissed his forehead. "Why did you leave?" He asked. "Y-you didn't need me" you wiped away some tears. "Of course I needed you! Your my big sis. You were my real family!" He wiped away some tears. "I'm sorry. I regretted it so much. I just feel so bad. I never got to see you grow up." You were both walking down the street back to the egos house. You both started talking about what had happen while you left. When you arrived home you were surrounded in hugs. All the kids you knew were grown up. They looked the same but just taller. You were so glad to see them.  You got to talk to them individually. They told you how much they missed you and told you what they had been up to since you left even Dark missed you. You finally felt like part of a real family. A real big family.

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