I want attention (Bingiplier)

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Ego: Bingiplier
Prompt: "I'm not gonna stop poking you till you give me some attention"
This wasn't a request I just wanted to wright this


You were sitting on your couch in the living room reading this book you got. It was is good you couldn't put it down. Your boyfriend, Bing, was laying his head on your lap while you ran your fingers through his hair. Bing was very bored and sad that you weren't giving him any attention. He even took off his shades to reveal the yellow eyes that you loved. Even then you didn't pay attention to him. You just traced the outline of his eye sockets. He also took his shirt off making the excuse that it was 'hot". You didn't even look. Bing layed on his stomach with his head still on your lap. He then kept poking you over and over. "What are you doing?" You asked. "I'm not gonna stop poking you till you give me some attention" he says ad he keeps poking you. You put your book down. "If you wanted attention you could of just asked" "well what do you think me not wearing my shades or a shirt was for?" You shrug. "I don't know. You were probably just 'hot'" you say hot in air quotes. Bing wines. You giggle. You lean down and kiss the top of his head. "Next time use your words when you wanna tell me something"

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