Who Killed Markiplier?

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I have a theory. In the end of who killed markiplier the cournel starts saying that he didn't kill anyone and that it was all a joke. He also sounds like Wilford. My  theory is that Wilford was originally the cournal. Plus in the end you turn out to be the one and only...Darkiplier. I re-watched that at least 10 times. So the full theory is that Wilford was the cournel and became a murderer who always denys he  murdered someone after he lost his friends, Celene and Damion. Dark on the other hand I don't know how he became how he did. I think he just realized he need to make sure the cournal didn't get out of hand and he got that red and blue outline from seeing it after he 'came back to life' and that he always has something agents Wilford cause he shot him.

Im also sorry to say that i still have no other way to post story parts. After today it will be longer till I can get more story parts out. But thank you for being patient about this. I really wish I could upload more.

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