Kids (Wilford Warfstache)

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Ego: Wilford Warfstache
Prompt: "did I stutter?"
Some Danti in this


You were laying in your bed next to your husband, Wilford. It was 6:32 and he had an interview at 8:45 so he decided to spend an hour in bed with you. You were both just laying in silence and it was nice. Since Anti and Dark came over a lot with there kids some peace and quiet was nice. You looked aver at Will. His eyes were closed. He looked so peaceful you just wanted to lay on him. So you did. You crawled over and layed right on top of him. He opened his eyes and looked at you. "Hello Dear~" he said and put a hand on your cheek. He leaned in and kissed your nose. You giggled. "Hey Will?" "Yes Darling?" He asked. "I want kids" his eyes widen. "W-what?" He ask. You smirk. "Did I stutter?" You asked. ", But I though you didn't want kids yet. That when Dark and Anti came over there kids were enough" he says. You smile. "Well I want kids now" he bites his bottom lip and looks put the window. "I-i don't think I'm ready for having kids of our own" he confesses. You put your hands on his cheeks. "You would make and amazing dad" you kiss his forehead. "Plus I wouldn't be the only one who calls you daddy anymore" you add. He chukles. "Very funny" you smile. "Well...if you want kids that bad" he slips you both over to were your on your back and hes pinning you to the bed. "Shall we get started~?" Purrs in your ear. "Don't to have an interview today?" You ask. "Shit" he mumbles and gets off of you. He walks over to the closet and gets dressed. He walks over to you and kisses you. "Can I meet you back here later tonight?" He asks. You giggle. "Of course"

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