Darkiplier x reader x Antisepticeye

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It had been about a 3 days since Dark and Antis last fight. It was odd. Fighting was like a hobby for them. "Dark! Anti! Breakfast is ready!!" You yell. You here Anti walk down stairs and into the kitchen. "Hey, where's Dark?" You ask setting 3 plates on the table."oh...he left a little bit ago and won't be back for breakfast" "oh...ok. Guess that means more for us" you shrug.

(Time skip)

You, Dark and Anti were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Dark had only arrived 10 minutes ago. "I'll be right back. I need to grab my phone". You get up and walk up to your room. You open the door and see a basket on your bed. You walk to it and see that it's a gift basket.

It had (your favorite chocolate), (your favorite movie series), tulips, daisy's, roses, a bunch of candy, a heated blanket, new earings, and a note. The note read.

To (y/n)

     Dark and Anti were very sorry for making you mad. So, they asked me to make a gift basket for you filled with your favorite things. They even paid for all of this and I just put it together. They hope that you will forgive them and not yell at them cause you terrify them.
                                         From, ???????
Ps. It's Wilford

You giggle.
They really do love you.

You walk back down stairs wrapped in the heated blanket and holy hell was it soft. And you assumed it was some kind of magic cause you don't need to plug it in. You sit down in between them and lay your head on (Darks/Antis) (your decide) shoulder. "You didn't have to" you say.

"Yes, yes we did" they both say.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now