Flower Fell Sans x Reader

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You sat there. Looking up at the hole you fell through. You were wearing his jacket. You blushes at the though of 'him'. Sans. The only one who noticed you in the undergroud.

You look over to sans looking at him through the flowers on your eyes. You had a lot of them....you died a lot. One more and you would become blind. You didn't mind though. Sans always said that they complimented your hair.

"Sans" you say. "Yeah kid?". You pat the ground next to you as if asking him so sit by you. He walkes over to you and sits by you. You look up at him and he looks down at you. You smile at him and he smiles at you. He moves a little hair out of your face. Not like it mattered anyway.

"Sans?" You ask. "What is it kid?" He reply. You sit up and scoot closer to him. He blushes a light shade of red. You put a hand on his cheekbone. "Do you love me?". His eye sockets wide when you asked that. He did love you and you were dating. "Of coarse I love you sweetheart. Why do ask?". "Well" you say

"Some monsters were picking on me"


There will be a part 2 I was not expecting this to end this way but don't worry!!!

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now