The Host x Reader

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You walkes through the woods with host right next to you. You were holding hands so he didn't have to stop to tell what he was gonna do next, since he was blind. You started to hum stand by you. It was your favorite song. You felt his hand squeeze yours. "Is something wrong?" you asked.

He looked away from you. It was silent and it was weird. "What were you humming?". That question shocked you. "Stand by you. Why do you ask?". "Can you sing it?" He asked. You started to blush lightly. He never asked you to sing for him. You wondered why he asked now. "Sure but...can we go sit down?" "Sure" he replyed. You bother walked over to a tree. It was an apple tree. Your guys tree. You had your initials carved into it. You both sat back to back.

He was still holding your hand. You didn't mind. "Ready? He asked. "Yep"

(Im to lazy to wright the lyrics)

You finished singing. You were kinda out of breath."I'm sorry" Host said. You were a shocked. Why did he say sorry. What was he sorry for? "Why are you apologizing. You didn't do something wrong...right?" You asked. It got silent again.

(Hosts pov)
Shit! I'm not ready to tell her and I don't like the silence. You know what I'm just gonna do what I do best. Narrorate. That will at least help give her an idea of what I'm trying to say.
Here I go.

"The two sat there in silence. Not knowing what to say. They both had nothing to talk about. One of them wanted to compliment the other one on how beautiful there singing was but they didn't know how. She sat there in confusion not knowing what to say. He stood up and walked on front of her asking her to dance. She blushed, smiled, and kindly exepted. She put her arms around his neck and he put his arms around her waist. The two stared to dance. Even without music they still danced. She got an idea. She started to hum.

The two danced until they couldn't dance anymore. They both sat down. She had her head on his chest while his arm was wrapped around her shoulder. 'I love you' he said."

I had fun writing this! It's fun to Narrorate a story.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now