Bim Trimmer x Mermaid!Reader

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Part two


Bim had been visiting you for about a week now. He always came to see you for about two hours everyday. The other egos were wondering were he was going but he always made a different excuse for leaving. He always had different story to tell you when he came to see you. Like one time Dark got so mad at Wilford he mad him sleep out side in Divas dog house. You wish you could see there house but you could only turn human into mermaids temporarily. But you can't turn human. You looked around waiting for Bim to show up. He was a little late but that didn't matter. You see a shadow coming around the corner. You smile thinking that it's Bim but then you see multiple shadows. You quickly dive under the water so you can't be seen. You can here voices above the water. You here Bim but there's more people to. "She won't show herself since your all here!" Bim told them. "Well she's gonna if she wants to see you again" your eyes widen. They won't let Bim see you unless you show yourself? You peek your head out of the water and we other guys that look exactly like Bim. They must be the other Alter Egos. Bim looks out into the water. He sees your face and smiles. You stick your head out into the water and smile at him. The others look in the direction Bim is looking and they all see you. You quickly duck your head back under the water. You were very shy when it came to meeting new people. "Was that her!?" One of them asks. "Yep" Bim replys. After a moment of silence one of them says, "well go get her" you look in front of you and see two feet enter the water. They get closer until Bim is under the water. You kiss him on the lips so her turns into a merman so he can talk to you. He smiles and hugs you. You hug back and smile. "The others wanna meet you" he tells you."i-i don't know. I don't like meeting new people" "well you were fine with me" he looks at you. "Well it was just you!" He smiles. "It'll be fine" you both swim up to them. Bim turns back into a human. You say in the water cause you knda have to. "Guys. This is Y/n" they all look at you. You shyly wave at them. "How is that even possible?" A man with a Blue shirt with a glowing G says. "I've never seen anything like that" the man wearing a doctors jacket says. "Guys your scaring her!" Bim tells them. It's true they were scaring you. You didn't know what they were gonna do. You know Bim wouldn't let them hurt you though. The one in the Blue shirt with the G on it walks up to your and bends down to your level. "Can I ask you some questions?" He asks. You nod your head yes. "How were mermaids first made?" You shrug. "Not even we know that" he nods his head. "How do you reproduce?" "We keep that private" "can you turn human?" "No,we can only turn people into mermaids." He nods his head. "If it's fine with Bim I could run a few experiments on you to see if I can turn you human" your face lights up. You did all aways wanna be human. You loved everything human. But it's not like you would sell your voice just to be with the love of your life. Not that you like Bim! Why would you think that?! It's completely platonic! You look at Bim as if asking him if it was fine. He nods his head in agreement. "How would you get her back to the house?" One of them wearing a sleeveless shirt with the word 'Bing' on it. Does that mean his name if Bing? "Don't we have a big cooler in the back of the car?" Someone with pink hair says. The blue shirt man nods. "Wilford, Bing go get it" the man with pink hair, Wilford, and what you already thought was Bing went to get the cooler.


They had taken you back to there house and put you in there pool. It was a normal sized pool. You were swimming around while Bim was sitting at the edge of the pool with his feet in it. "So what are they gonna do to turn me human?" You ask. Bim shrugs. "As long as they don't hurt you I'm fine with it" "you wanna come swim with me?" He smiles. "Sure" you jump up and kiss him. He kisses back and puts his hand on your cheek. You close your eyes and interlock your fingers with his. You both pull away. You look at eachother. You both start laughing. You pull him onto the water and kiss him again. He kisses back.

Blue Googles Pov

I was walking to the pool to get Y/n for the tests were gonna run on her. Me and the other Googles figured out a liquid to give to her. It'll take a few days to kick in but it will work out in the end. For the days while it goes into affect were gonna record what happens to her. I open the back door and look out at the pool. I see that she turned Bim into a merman and they were....kissing? Wow I didn't think Bim would fall in love that fast.

I don't know when part three will come out. im gonna be working on a lot of thing cause I start school next week so I'm gonna post as much as I can

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