Oliver (Yellow Google) x reader

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You and Oliver were in the kitchen, baking. You loved baking with Oliver. He was the nicest and kindest of the four Googles. Original Google would just looks up the recipe. Red would get frustrated five minutes into it and Green would just let you do all the work.

But Oliver loved to help. Baking was the only thing you could do without getting intirupted. Anything else like reading or playing piano they would bother you. But they all knew if you were baking and they intirupted you they would regret it.

"Hey Ollie, could turn the oven to 350°?" You ask him as you put the eggs and water into the mixer. "Sure!" He replied. You slowly turn the mixer up all the way making sure you don't make a mess. Oliver walkes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. He normally does this so it didn't bother you.

"What kinda frosting do you wanna put on the cake?" "How about...chocolate!?" "Sounds good". You put the batter into the pan and set it into the oven. You set the timer to 15 minutes. "Now all we have to do is wait.

(Time skip)

The cake was now out of the oven and cooled. You and Oliver already made the frosting while it was cooling."time to decorate!" You say. Oliver smiles and puts the frosting on the cake. Oddly, Oliver is very good at frosting a cake. "We gonna cover it in sprinkles?" You ask. "Don't we all ways?" "I'll get the sprinkles". You walk up to a cabinet and open it. You look around the cabinet. "Found the-O-Oliver what are you doing?" He wrapped his arms around your waist and started to nuzzle your neck. "I don't know...just...having fun" he licks your neck and you let out a soft moan.

"Woooo Oliver. Get it!"

You look in the direction you heard the voice. You saw Google, Red, and Green standing in the door way to the kitchen. You blush a light shade of red. "Who knew Oliver would be the first one of us the have sex" Google says. You cover your face with your hands. It's official your a strawberry now. "C'mon guys your making her nervous!" Green says.

That's it.

Your Gonna kill em.

Fucking secondary objective activated

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now