Merry Christmas!

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So I haven't posted in a while but im working on something that, to me, is gonna be good. I wont tell you but...I'll give you two hints.


If you guess you have to give me a dare that doesnt make me have to show my face. For how many people get it right I'll message you privatly and tell you that you got it right and then you gotta give me the dare.

Besides that


If you don't celebrate Christmas then thats fine. What ever you celebrate is totaly cool or if you don't celebrate anything thats fine to. Now, were im at it Christmas eve but I just wantes to wiishu ( :D) a happy Christmas or Hanukkah or what ever else you do or don't celebrate.

So yeah, try to guess and I gotta do something you tell me and I'll post them in...a few days mabey...I have no updating schedule so ya. Well

Buh bye!!

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