Cool Patrol!Markiplier x Gamer!Reader

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I was watching Cool Patrol and just got this idea

You were in your basement playing a very intents game of Mario Kart. Your best friend,Sean but everyone calls him Jack, was sitting next to you, finishing his homework. Jack was what people at school called a 'nerd'. You were called a 'Gamer or geek' at school. Your school was divided into groops. There were the 'nerd', 'gamers/geek', 'teachers pet', 'social butterflys', 'Jocks', 'popular kids', and finally the 'Cool Patrol'. The Cool Patrol was the highest rank you could be in. They were better than the popular kids. Now, you and Jack were at the lowest ranks. But, you didn't care. You both never understood why school was like that. Middle school was the only time different people could interact. Nerds could talk to Jocks. Social butterflys could talk to teachers pets. But now it was all different. You had to socialize in your own groop. But you and Jack didn't care. You were friends since kindergarten and no one could break you apart. "And...Done!" Jack says. You were to deep into your game to hear him. He sighs and puts his hand on your eyes covering them so you can't see the screen. But he's done that enough times to were you got it down to a science. You quickly pressed the pause button on your controler. "Got you this time McLoughlin!!" You say. He chuckles. "You know me so well" he takes his hand off your eyes. "So now that your done and we can talk", you turn off your console, "how's Signe been?" Signe was Jacks girlfriend. She was a fellow 'nerd' Jack met on the first day of High School. She loved plants. "She's been good! I got her this new cactus that she loves and she put it by her bed so she wakes up every morning and thinks of me! She even named it Sean!" You giggle. "That sounds nice" Sean really did love her and wouldn't want anyone else. "So...when are you gonna get a boyfriend?" He asks. You sigh and look at him "Jack, look,Dude, I've said this a million times, there is no one at our school worth dating. They all hate us besides our 'groups' " "well what about someone in your 'group'?" You role your eyes. "There is no one in my 'group' worth dating. Yeah, there all nice but I wouldn't date any of them" Jack thinks for a second. "Wait...don't you like the Cool Patrol leader, what's his name? Oh Mark!" You cover your face with your hands. You did like Mark but he will never like you. He's way to cool and smart....and hot for him to like you. Plus, you two never talked anyway. It was only once were you accidentally ran into him in the hallway.

(Flash back)

You were walking to your next class with three heavy books in your hand. You were hoping to be early to calls this time but fate had other plans. You looked down for just a second on make sure your shoelace was tied and you ran right into someone. You fall on the floor. "Ow..." you mumble. You start to grab your books. You went to grab your last book but someone beat you to it. You looked up saw someone with sunglasses and a leather jacket. His hair was dyed red. He looked kinda cute."I'm so sorry miss. I wasn't looking were I was going." He said. You both stand up and he hands you your book back. "T-thank you" you say. "I'm Mark. But you probably already know." You look at his face and realize that it was Mark from Cool Patrol. "It's nice to actually meet you. I'm Y/n." You smile. You see a hint of red on Marks cheeks. You giggle. "Looks like your red hair dye got on your cheeks Mark" you say and then walk away. Instantly regretting that.

(Present time)

You take your hands away from your face. Jack notices your blush. "Ha! You you do like him!" Jack shouts. "Shut it you Irish bitch!" You point your finger at him and he laughs. "You know" Jack wipes a tear from his face. "I've heard rumors that Mark is gonna ask you to the Fall Ball. The rumors seem pretty true. It started with the Cool Patrol anyway." You shake your head. "Even if he did it would probably just be because of a dare." You sigh. You were really hoping it wasn't a dare. You look at the clock. 12:25. "Dude, it's pretty late. You should get home." "Yeah your right. I'll see you tomorrow!" He gets up and walkes up stairs. You hear the door shut. You grab the nearest pillow and screen into it. Hell if the rumors were true or not! You take the pillow away from your face and sigh. Your face was so red now. You put the pillow under your head and cover up with a blanket and fall asleep.

The next day

It was free period so you decided to go to the front of the school were you sat by your favorite tree. It had the perfect amount of shade and sun light. As you walked to your tree you saw someone sitting there. You saw red hair and a leather jacket. Oh-no! It's Mark!'s not like he would hurt you. You walk over to the tree and sit a foot away from him. You look away from him. He scoots closer to you. "Hey..." he says. "H-hi" you respond. "How have you been?" He asks. "I've been doing fine" "that's good" you sit there in silents. "I know we haven't talked much but...I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Fall Ball with me?" Your eyes widen. So the rumors were true. You lean your head on his shoulder. He blushes. "I would love to" you close your eyes and smile. He leans his head on yours.

(The night of the Ball)

After Mark asked you to the dance the hole school went crazy. They kept bothering you saying 'your not good enough for Mark' or 'your not pretty enough for him' but you didn't care. But since everyone was bothering you Mark kept you close to him. You didn't mind at all though. You were in your room sitting on your bed while Signe was doing your makeup. You were wearing a red dress she picked out for you.

 You were wearing a red dress she picked out for you

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"I'm so nervous" you told her. "Don't worry" she puts some blush on you "you'll be fine. You'll be with Mark all night. No one would even dare to hurt you." You smile. "Yeah. Your right." She puts all her makeup back in her bag. "We should get going" you nod and walk out to her car and drive to the school.

At the school

Signe parked her car and you both walked to the school. She sees Jack and runs over to him. You stand by the same tree where Mark asked you to the Ball. You feel two hands cover your eyes. You jump a little. You here a familiar chuckle come from behind you. "Very funny Mark" he takes his arms and wraps them around your waist. "Shall we go in?" You nod your head. He unwraps his arms from around you. He then holds your hand and leads you to the gym were the ball was. You looked around and saw all the beautiful decorations. You saw all the other girls in there big poofy dresses. Mark led you to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped your around his neck. You leaned your head on his shoulder. "Thanks for asking me to the dance" you say. He smiles. "It's no problem. I know we really haven't talked much but I just had to ask you. You wanna know why?" He asked. "Why?" "Cause I fell in love with you ever since you bumped into me" he whispers in your ear. You blush and giggle. "You remember that?" "Why wouldn't I? It was the day I met the prettiest girl in the world" you look at him and smile. "I wanna show you something" he grabs your hand and leads you to the back of the school. You get nervous. The back of the school was never good. "M-mark why are we going to the back of the school?" You asked. "Were not. We're going beyond that" you both walk into the woods. You didn't even know the school had woods behind it. You here leaves crunch under Marks feet as he steps in front of you. "Close your eyes" he whispers in your ear. You obey and close your eyes. After a few seconds you feel warm lips touch yours. You stiffen up but soon realise that it was Mark kissing you. You loosen and wrap your arms around his neck while his hands make there way to your hips, pulling you closer.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now