Stay (The Host)

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Ego: The Host

Promt: 12. "You can't die. Please don't die"


Host was sitting in a chair next to your hospital bed. You had gotten sick and had to be taken to the hospital. It wasn't anything really serious, but you still needed to go to the hospital. Host thought you just had a cold with you coughing so much. But when you started coughing up blood that's when he knew it was serious. Him, Dr.iplier, Bim, and even Dark rushed you to the hospital. You had been coughing up blood, had a fever, and were just making to sense. When you got there the doctors took you imediently. They didn't think it was that bad until you started coughing up a lot of blood. They had to perform minor surgery on you. They only thing that was going through Hosts mind was 'you can't die. Please don't die'. He was so worried about you. You currently were just resting. You were going home tomorrow. You had stopped coughing up blood and your fever was gone. The other ipliers were so happy to see you again. They came to visit you but you were sleeping when they arrived. They were just happy to know you were ok. Your eyes fluttered open. You looked over at Host and smiled. "Hey" you said weakly, your voice not 100%. He looked at you and smiled. "Host is glad to know your ok" he said and leaned in and kissed your forehead. "Host is also glad to know your coming home tomorrow" he leaned back in his chair. "It'll be nice to see the other ipliers" you told him. "How's Bim doing?" You asked him. You and Bim were all ways close friends but close friends were all you ever were. You fell in love with Host and Bim thought you two were just the cutest couple ever. "Bim is good. Bim got a new plant yesterday" "that's good to know"

The next day

You, Host, and Bim were walking into the house. You were so happy to see the other ipliers. When Bim opened the door you were eminently hugged by King and yan. "We missed you!" Yan said. You bent down and hugged then. "I missed you guys two" you kiss there forhead. They smiled and let go of you. "We wanna show you something!" King said as they lead you to the kitchen were a big cake was sitting on the table. Wilford, Dark, Dr.iplier, and all the other egos were all standing there. "Welcome home!" Wilford said and hugged you. You chuckled. "I missed you to Will" you hugged him. The others walked to you and started saying things like 'were glad you feel better' and 'were glad your home'. Host and Bim walked into the kitchen. Host smiled. Out if all of them, Host was the most happy that you were home.

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