Jackieboy man x Henchman! reader

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In this Dark is the super villian and Jackie is Silver Sheppard's side kick

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In this Dark is the super villian and Jackie is Silver Sheppard's side kick. Also in public Dark is referded to as Damien and Silver is referded to as Mark.

Darks costume is his suit but with a black mask and you wear this

Darks costume is his suit but with a black mask and you wear this

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You have a black mask as wellAnd if your a dude just pretend it's on a males body~

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You have a black mask as well
And if your a dude just pretend it's on a males body


Jackieboy man. Ever heard of him. No? That's not surprising. He's a side kick to the most know superhero in LA. He moved to LA from Brighton in hopes of becoming a big time super hero. But his dreams were soon shattered when he became a sidekick. He got no action. He got no recognition. He was just...there. He couldn't bare to leave though. He would let Silver down. And if he ever did, Anti would just make fun of him for failing. But most of all he would let himself down. It will get better....he just knew it.

Y/n was an average 27 year old human. They had a nice job working at Starbucks from 6am to 7pm during the day. A supervillains henchman by night....ok so they are not that normal. They worked for Darkiplier, the most feared villian in the LA.  He was a master manipulator, can alter his appearance, and teleport. He trys to take over LA but mostly fails thanks to Silver. His henchman did have some powers. They could fly, super strength, fire and ice breath and they could turn invisible. Ok, that's pretty cool. They could do other things that they learned themselves. They were very smart and didn't need a super power to do that.

Present Time

You sat in the hospital waiting for Damien to get out of the hospital. After a rough battle with Silver and his sidekick he got badely hurt so you happily snuck up on Silver and beat the shot out of him. As you sat in a chair in the waiting room, a man came over and sat next to you. He wore a red hoodie with black jeans. His hair was blue-green color. It looked nice on him. He noticed you stating and blushed. You looked away. "My apologies, I was looking at you hair. It's very nice" you say, trying to not sound creepy. "It's alright. My name is Jackie." He says. "Y/n." You say. "Why are you here?" you asked Jackie. "My friend Mark got hurt and I'm waiting for him to get released" he replied. "That's kinda funny, I'm here for that same reason" you chuckled. "What a coincidence." "Yeah." You both laughed for a little bit but it soon died down. A nurse walkedul to you both. "Jackie Mcloughlin?" She asked. "Yes" "would you please come with me?" She asked. He nodded and got up. He then turned to you and smiled. "It was snice meeting you" "you to" you said as he walked away.

Couple weeks later

You just got back from a fight with Silver and his sidekick. You had kidnapped his sidekick by shooting him with a dart that knocks people out and then proceeded to tie him with chains you and Dark made that took away super powers as long as someone was tied in them. Dark had given you the task of watching the prisoner so he didn't escape. You did so with your mask on so he didn't know your true identity. It had been an hour and he still hasn't woken up. You got bored very quickly. You looked into the cell at him. His hood was always up so you never saw his hair. Not liked you cared anyway. He stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes slowly. "Where....where am I?" He asked. "In a jail cell" you replied and got up from the chair you sat on. He looked up at you and tried to move but obviously couldn't. "What did you do to me!?" He asked woridly. "Knocked you out and tied you up." You smirked and leaned onto the wall. "What are you gonna do to me!?" He panicked. You shrugged. "That's up for the boss to decide." He thought for a moment. "Dark!?" You looked down at him. "Yeah...who else did you think would've kidnapped you?" You chuckled. He looked down. "This is terrible!" He shouted. "How so?" You asked. "I moved here to become a successful superhero but get set as a sidekick who no one knows! I get kidnapped and don't even know whats gonna happen to me. Most people don't even know my name! I should have never moved here!" He sobbed. 'Damn' you though, 'hes been through a lot.' You sat on the floor in front of the cell door. He sniffed and looked up at you. "What, just gonna rub in how much of a faliure I am!?" He yelled. "Tell me your name" you said. "What?" "Tell me your name" you repeated. "Its...Jackieboy man" he whispered. "I like that name. Reminds me of someone I met a few weeks ago" he smiled and said. He looked up at you. "What was there name?" "Jackie Mcloughlin" he said. His eyes lit up."Y/n!" He whisper-yelled. You looked at him in shock and confusion. "How...how do you know my name?" You asked. "We met at the hospital" "Jackie?" He nodded his head up and down quickly. You sat in shock. "Holy shit" you mumbled. "I'm sorry for knocking you out and tying you up" you mumbled. He chuckled. "Its alright. That's just your job. I should also apologise for breaking your arm two months ago." You chuckled. "Got me off of work for two weeks, so no need to apologise." You laughed and he joined in. "From what you said it seems like we both don't have that good of lives." You said. "What's wrong with yours?" He asked. "My boss is always cold and demanding for everything and is just to obsessed with taking over LA.  He yells at me way to much and I don't even get paid that well for how much I have to do around here." "You get paid?" He asked. "You don't?" "No, I live in a small apartment with Silver and three other people." "That sucks." After a few moments of silence you get an idea. "Wanna run away with me?" You ask. "What?" He looks at you confused. "Let's run away. We can go back to where you lived and have a semi-normal life." He looks at you for a moment. "I'd like that. No, I would love that!" He said. "Alright. We just gotta wait for Dark to fall asleep and we can sneak out of here." Jackie smiles. "Can't wait"

At night

After Dark fell asleep you wrote him a not saying you quit and then snuck to where Jackie was. You had a backpack of important things and clothes. You quetly unlocked the door and untied Jackie. He gets up and stretches. "Never sat down for that long" he says. "Ready to leave?" You asked. "Yeah, I just gotta leave a not for Silver to tell him I'm leaving." He grabs you hand and teleports you to a room. You grabbs a pen and pencil from somewhere and quickly Wright's a note. "Ready?" He whispered. You nodded.

Year later

You and Jackie moved back in with his "brothers". They were all very nice to you, especially Robbie. He was such a sweetheart. Anti did still make fun of Jackie for failing but you quickly taught him a lesson. You helped Chase with coming up with new ways to do a trickshot and sometimes used your ice breath to make some sort of ramp when ever he went skate boarding. Henrik was like a parent figure to you. He stopped you, Jackie, and Marvin from blowing up the house. Speaking of Marvin, he became an older brother to you. He got in trouble with you but also made sure you were fine and safe. Anti was like the house cat that hated you on the outside but on the inside cared about you; just a little bit. And Jackie, you two soon fell in love with eachother. He was such a doll and cared so much about you. Be knew you could take care of yourself but was more over protective then Marvin and Henrik put together. He loved you and would never want anything bad to happen to you. You both tryed to forget about your past. You weren't ashamed of it but weren't proud of it either. I mean, that is how you two met; after years of...beating up each other. It didn't matter anyway. You had him and he had you. You have a family and you have someone to love.

You were happy


I'm so sorry for not updating in weeks! I just can't seem to have motivation to wright anymore. Plus, Wattpad is being a dick to me so sometimes it doesn't save it won't let me keep writing. I hope this was sgood enough.

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