Party (Darkiplier)

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All the other ipliers exempt Dark, Wilford, Host, and Dr.iplier are kids.


It was Friday night and all the seniors were invited to this homecoming party at this guy's house. You were sitting in the back yard away from all the party. They all went inside to do drugs and shit. But, you just stayed put there on your phone. You were never one to party. You might dress in short shorts and shirts that don't always cover all of your stomach but that doesn't mean your a slut. And it doesn't mean you want some guy to touch you to. You didn't even notice the guy who sat next to you. You were to busy on your phone. "Hey cutie" he said. You looked up and looked at him. "Are you drunk?" You asked him. He shook his head. "Nope. I can't get drunk" he told you. "I'm guessing if you did you would die" "how'd you know?" He asked. "I can't drink either. I'm a pathetic excuse for an Irish woman" you told him. "Irish?" You nodded your head. "Im Irish in my father's side. He's mostly Irish and I have a little German from my mom" he nods. "Interesting. I have a friend who's Irish" he looks at you. "Were are my manners. I'm Dark" he holds out his hand. "I'm Y/n" you grab his hand but he instead grabs it and kisses the top of it and let's it go. "You seem like a real gentleman" you smirked. "I've been told that". All night you and Dark stated talking. You learned a lot about eachother. You both went through a My Chemical Romance faze. It was getting late so you told him you had to go. He told you he had to get back home to. He really should of been home an hour ago since he has little brothers that are years younger than him. You both got up but you soon felt a hand go in your back pocket on your Jean shorts that just so happened to be on your butt. "Like I told you earlier I get to know people before I fuck em' but that doesn't mean I'm not a little hansy~" he purred in your ear. He put something in your back pocket and left. You were standing there shocked. You couldn't move. You eventually took the thing he put in your back pocket and looked at it. It was his phone number.

Call me~ Dark 😘

You smiled and walked home.

Later at home

Your parents were yelling at you for being home so late. They told you to be home by 11:30 sharp. It was already 12:28. "No more going out!" You mother yelled at you. "It's Friday I don't even have school tomorrow!!" You yelled back. Your father slapped you on the face. "Don't talk to your mother like that! Now go to your room!" You ran up to your room with your hand over were he slapped you. You took out your phone and added Dark to your contacts. Then you texted him.

You: I need your help...this is Y/n BTW

Dark: I was wondering when you were gonna text

Dark: what do you need help with?

You: I need a place to live

Dark: If you wanna you could come like with me and my brothers. We have a spare room but it's very noisy.

You: yeah that's fine

Dark: pack your stuff

You did. You grabbed your suitcase and put all your belonging in it. Some clothes, female stuff, hygiene products, your technology, and a picture of your older sister. She went off to live in New York since that's were her job was. You liked and missed her so much.

Dark: open your window

You went over to the window and opened it. You looked down and saw Dark. You grabbed your suitcase and tossed it out the window. It wasn't a long fall. You hopped down and landed on your feet. Dark grabbed your suit case and you both walked back to his house. "How did you get my address?" You asked him. "I got my ways" you shrugged it off. You had both arrived at his house and you were eminently surrounded by children. "Is this the girl you were talking about!?" One of them asked. "Yes Bim, this is Y/n" he told the kid who's name was Bim. "She's pretty! Just like you told us Dark!" A little one with a the Bing logo on his shirt said. "You said I was pretty?"you smirked at Dark. "Yeah he did!" Bim said. "OK that's enough. It's way passed all your bed times. Who let you stay up this late?" A man who had a mustache walked into the room. "That would be me" he said. "Of course it was you Wilford" Dark told....Wilford. "I should of known. Host wouldn't let them stay up this late". Dark looked down at all the kids. "Go get in bed" they all scattered to there room. "So this is the girl you talked about" Wilford wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "Yes. Now let go of her she's had all long day" dark pulled you away from Wilford and lead you to your new room. From what it seems...this is gonna be a good place.

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