Paperjam x sick reader

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For the past days you've been sick. Yeah it sucks. So your best friend Paperjam, his parents Ink and Error took you to the doctors. Turns out you had the flu. So since you lived alone Ink was so kind and he let you stay with them till you got better. PJ was so happy when Ink told him and Error really didn't care. PJ had a huge crush on you but you didn't know he did.

You lay in the guest room since that's the only other bed room in the house. You lay in the bed propped on a few pillows while Ink is down stairs making you (favorite soup). All of a sudden you gotta puke. Luckily you were prepared and had a bucket
After that happened you set the bucket down. PJ walked in the room "Hey (Your Name)!! How you feeling?" He askes. "Like crap" you reply. PJ starts to blush as he thinks of how to tell you how he feels about you. "You ok Jammy?" You ask. "I...I um...I l-love you" He says. "PJ?" You say. "Yeah...?" He says. "I love you to! And I would kiss you but I don't want to get you sick" PJ smiles really wide and kisses you on the forehead. You blush slightly. "I hope you feel better soon"
And then he left the room.

Ipliers, Septiceyes, And Sans AUS X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now