Joy (Schneeplestien)

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Ego: Schneeplestien
Emotion: Joy


You were sitting in the doctors office waiting for him to come back. You and Henrik (that's Schneeps first name...I think) were trying to have kids. You've been married for about a year and decided you wanted to make your family bigger. All the Septiceyes and Ipliers were like your family. Dr.iplier and Host were like your brothers. All the Ipliers were. After a few minutes the doctor comes back in. "Well...the results came out positive" he tells you. "Congratulations" you smile. "Thank you!" You both shake hands and you exit the room. You walk back into the waiting room. You look around and see Henrik setting by the window looking out it. You walk up to him. He looks at you and smiles. "So vhat did he say?" he stands up and you both walk to your car. "I'll tell you when we get home" you tell him and sit down in the passengers seat. He frowns. "But I wanna know now!" He wines. You chuckle and look out the window, putting a hand on your stomach, thinking about if the baby's a girl or a boy.

Time skip

You both walk into your home. You take off your shoes cause you never liked to wear shoes in the house. You walk to couch and sit down. Schneep walks over to you and sits down next to you. He looks at you. "Do you need something?" You smirk. He rolls his eyes. "Don't play dumb vith me. You know exactly vhat I wanna know!" You kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear. "I'm pregnant!" His eyes widen. He picks you up and spins you around. You giggle and he sets you down. His face is filled with Joy. He kisses your forehead. Your eyes are filled with tears. "Don't cry" he cups your face and wipes the tears from your face with his thumb. "I'm sorry. I'm just so happy!" He leans in and kisses you.

Almost 9 months later

You were almost nine months pregnant. Your baby was do any day now. You didn't get morning sickness so that was good. You had told the other Septiceyes and you Skyped with the Ipliers and told them all about. They were all looking forward to meeting baby. You both learned that it was a boy and you decided to name him after Sean. You were gonna name his Jack since that was Seans nickname. Schneep was laying by your big baby bump talking to the baby. He was telling him about what his life was gonna be like when he was born. "So vhen me and mommy would have to go somewhere by our selves we would leave you vith Uncle Chase so he could watch you till ve got back. And Marvin could teach you magic and I could teach you how to be ze best doctor in the world!" You giggle. "I think your getting ahead of yourself. What I'd the kid doesn't wanna become a doctor." He shugs. "Zats fine. As long as he doesn't turn out like Anti I'll be very supportive of our child" you run your hand through his hair. He smiles. "Wanna go to Chases? I'm pretty sure he has the kids this week." He smiles. "Sure"

Time skip

You were sitting on the couch in Chases home watching Grayson and Sam playing with Chase and Henrik. Schneep did love kids. He all aways would play with them when you both came over. You smile. You suddenly feel wet in your lower area. "Um...Henrik?" He looks at you. "Yeah?" "I-i think my water just broke" his eyes widen. "We gotta get you to the hospital!" He gets up and leads you to the car. "Chase could you go to out house and get the bag?" Chae nods. Schneep hands him the house key and you both head to the hospital.

Hours and hours later

Your baby boy was finally born. The doctors took him to get him cleaned off. They came in a little bit later and let you hold him. You looked at him and saw that he hand your eyes and the little hair he had was Schneeps hair color. His little hair was curly/straight. Henrik can rushing into the room. He looked over at you. He smiled and ran over to you. He pulled up a chair and sat down by you. "You wanna hold your son?" You ask. He nods. You give him to Henrik. He supports his neck snd holds him in his arms. The door opens. You look over at the door an see the other Septiceyes and Sean. They all walk over to you. Chase walks over to Sheep and hugs him from behind. "Welcome to life of being a father" he tells him. He giggle. Sean comes over to you while the other Septiceyes talk with Scneep. "How you feeling?" He asks. "like shit" he chuckles. "It's pretty cool that's you named him after me. It really means a lot to me" you smile. "It was Schneeps idea" "really? I though he would of wanted to name the kid after him" you room your eyes. "That was his second idea" he chuckles. You look over a Henrik and see that Jackiboy was holding him. "You do know I'm gonna tell my subscribers about this righ?" You chuckle and look back at Sean. "Yeah I know"

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