You cant fly!! (Silver Sheppard)

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Silver and Ed need more appreciation. They are the most under rated egos and they deserve better!


"SILVER! Get down from the roof!" You yelled. Silver was once again trying to fly by jumping off the roof.  Hes done this many times and it always ended in a visit do Dr.iplier.  "I will fly this time!" He yelled. Wilford walked up to you and got out his phone. "Are you recording this!?" You asked. He nodded his head and smirked. You growned. "Im going to go get doc" you said and walked away.


Silver had a cast on his arm. He needed to keepit on for two weeks. The worst part was that it was on his domanant arm. He couldn't hold things that well with his other hand, so you did about everything for him. You never minded thought. You and Silver were always close. You both were sitting on the couch watching tv. The egos were all doing there own thing. You both were very bored.

So sorry its short

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