(helpless) Jacksepticeye x reader

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I know I said I would do a fresh sans x reader but I need more time to think of what I will do for him so for know I will do a jack. Also if you don't know what the song helpless is its a hamilton song.

On to the story

My name is (y/n) fishbach. If you couldn't tell I am Markiplier sister. I love my brother very much but he can be a jerk sometimes. As you know one of his alter egos Wilford Warfstache, he said I had a crush on him and then everyone started making fanart of me and Warfstache. Yes he is one of my favorite alter egos like dark and google but I don't love him.

I love my brothers best friend.

Jacksepticeye or just Jack but I call him sean.

This first time I met sean my heart went boom! I felt helpless. I look into his eyes and the sky's the limit.

I loved him but didn't know how to tell him how. I didn't even know if he loved me. He always friend zoned me. Until one night.

We were all at a club that night. We were there for about 2 hours and to my suprise Sean wasn't drunk. He was dancing with Mark as I sat on the couch in the corner. Then mark walked over to me. "Wanna come dance with us" Mark asked. "No" I replyed. "Well suit yourself". He walked back to the dance floor with no arguement.

It had been about an hour later and Sean came over and set next to me. He put his arms over the back of the couch. "I didn't know mark could dance that good!" He said.

I just sat there, silent.

"You ok (y/n)?" "I'm fine" "...I can tell somethings bothering you" "Nothing is bothering me!" He was suprise I raised my voice. We just sat there in silence. It was weired. "Wanna know what my mom did when ever she thought something was bothering me?" Before I could respond he placed his lips on mine. I stiffened for a sec but then melted on to the kiss.

He placed his hand on my cheek and an arm around my waist. He pulled away. I didn't want him to. "Well it was only a pec on the lips but... I thought you deserved something better~" he said suductivly. I blushed 50 shades of red. He does like me! "Well if you need me you know we're to find me~" Sean got up and walked away.

Ohh I do I do I do
Ohh, I do I do I do
Boy you got me helpless
Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit I'm
Down for the count and I'm drowning in em

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