Bim Trimmer x Mermaid!Reader

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Bims pov

Me and all the other egos were going down to the beach today for a relaxing day. Since our house was all chaos we all needed a relaxing day. So when we all got to the beach we all went our separate ways. I went looking for pretty seashells. As I walked down the beach I saw this seashell that had blues and purples all over it! It looked like the galaxy. Unfortunately, me being kinda clumsy I dropped at and it got swept away by the tide. I sigh. Well I can find other ones. As I keep walking I feel something touch my heel. I look down and see the seashell I dropped. 'How did I get back here?' I think. I look out over into the ocean and see a rock a little way out. I squint my eyes and I swear I saw a face. But before is could tell it moved and hid behind the rock.

You pov

He almost saw me! I peak my head out from behind the rock and I see him examining the shell. I saw him drop it so I brought it back. I could tell he looked sad after dropping it. I dive under the water and swim closer to him. I peek my head out from the water and look at him. Seeing this close...he looks very attractive. And holy hell he had abs.

Bims pov

I swear I thought I saw a person. And from what I saw she looked cute. I shake my head and continue walking along to beach. I get this weird feeling that I'm being followed. And not by one of the other egos. I see a shiny thing way out into the water. I shrug and start walking towards it. The water comes up to my waist. I take a deep breath and go under the water to get it. I look around and see it. As I reach for it I hand goes over mine. I look up and see a girl. My eyes widen as I let all the air out of my mouth. I quickly go up for air. I gasp and cough out the water I swallowed. "Omg are you ok!?" I look up and see her. I look at her an notice that she doesn't have legs! I back away away bit but slip and fall into the water. She quickly wraps her arms around my waist and makes sure I don't go underwater. 'Wow she's strong' I think. "Are you ok,sir?" She asked me. I nod my head yes. She smiles and brings me up to the shore as far as she can go without getting stuck and sets me down. "I'm Y/n" she says. "I'm Bim" I tell her. She leans in and kisses my cheek. I blush. She looks at me. "Sorry, it's custom for my people to kiss someone one the cheek when we first meet" (just go with my Bullshit excuse) she tells me. I nod my head up and down. She smiles. I blush even more. I know I just met her but she is so damn cute. We both sit there in silence. And not the good silence the awkward kinda. " you like plants?" She asks me. My eyes widen. "I love plants!" She smiles. "What's your favorite kinda plant" she asks me. "I love all of them. I have a lot of cacti in my bedroom. And I have a garden in our back yard filled with plants!!" We talked for a few minutes about plants. "I could show you my garden if you wanted!" I frown. "Humans can't breath underwater" she smirks and kisses me. I blush and she pulls away. I feel different. I look down and see my legs are replaced with a tail."C'mon" she swims away and I follow. I'm acutely good at this. She grabs my hand and leads me to an opening on the sea floor. I look sound and see a bunch of different colored coral, kelp, and other sea plants. My eyes lit up. "I've never seen anything like this!" I say. She looks at me and smiles. I see a bunch of fish and there all different colors. I look in the distance and see something...its...a shark! It's swimming closer to us. I yelp. She looks in the direction of the shark and smiles. Why is she smiling!? She swims toward it and....pets it? "What are you doing!?" I asked. "Sharks are our friends. We allow them to eat the fish so they leave our people alone. Once you get to know they there quiet friendly" she tells me. I slowly swim up to the shark. She looks at me. "Let him sniff you first" she says. I hold out my hand and the shark sniffs it. I get a little scared but then it muzzles my hand. I smile and pet it's head. She smiles widely. The rest of the time we just swam and talked. She showed me the rest of her garden amilendnd gave me some of her shells from he collection. "Here you can have this one. It's my favorite" she tells me. "If it's your favorite them you should keep it!" "No. I want you to have it" she puts it in my hand. I sigh. I look at my watch, that still works oddly. 3:00pm! I've bend gone for three hours. "I must go! I need to get back home" I say and swum away. She follows me.


We swan up to the shore and she turned me back human. "Goodbye it was nice meeting you!" She wakes at me. "It was nice meeting you to" I wave back. I walked back to the other egos and they were all packing up. Wilford looks at me. "Bim were have you been!?" He walks up to me. "Oh I was looking for seashells" I tell him. "For three hours!?" "Yes" he sighs. "Well were leaving so go get into the car" I nod and walk over to the car and get in. I sit in the back and pull (Y/n)'s shell out of my pocket. I look at it and start day dreaming about her. Yeah, I know I just met her but she was do sweet and nice. The next thing I know is that we're driving home. "That's a cool shell dude" Bing tells me. "Thanks"


The end. Part two will be out in a few days. I'm working on eight different one shots right now.

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