Full (Wilford Warfstache)

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Ego: Wilford
Prompt: "could I sit here? All the other tables are full"


You were sitting at a Caffè you loved to go to. Today it was packed. You were lucky you got here before all the seats were taken. You were sitting by the widow, listing to music, and looking out at the bust streets of LA. It was quiet peaceful today though. You bell above the door rung. You looked over at it and saw a man with a pink mustache. He had cool Pink hair. Mabey I should dye my hair. You go back to looking out the window qnd listening to music. You feel a tap on your shoulder. You look over at the person and take out one of your earbuds. It's the man who had the punk mustache. "Could I sit here? All the other tables are full" he asks. You smile. "Sure" he sits down across the table. You put your earbud back in and keep listing to music. "what are you listing to?" He asks. "Oh. I'm listing to this one musical. It's called Heathers" his eyes widen. "I love that musical! What's your favorite song?" You chuckle. "I love listing to Candy Store."his smile gets bigger. "I live that song to! I also like Kindergarten Boyfriend" "that's a good song to" you two talked about a lot of things for a while. He lived with Like 13 other guys. You've only lived with two other people before buy now you live alone. You also talked about your love for disney. But you both had things to do today. "Well I gotta go. I have a meeting today. I'll see you around?" Wilford says. "Yeah. You wanna meet up here tomorrow? At like 3:30 Mabey?" He smile. "I'd like that!"

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